Story 324

378 18 2

It started in 6th grade. I know what your thinking, 'wow it's probably just hormones and girls being irresponsible bitches' and sometimes I try to believe that. But other times I'm not so sure.

It started with one girl. She was new to me because we hadn't gone to the same elementary school. I of course was eager for new friends because I didn't know anybody in my new classes. She was friends with a girl in my French class who I had hit it off with. She seemed okay for the first 2 months but then the name calling began.

It started with what seemed to be just backhanded comments that I assured myself she didn't mean. But it's kind of hard to brush them off like they are nothing. I trusted her.

And yet, when we weighed ourselves in gym class and I was 85 and she was 70 she laughed and called me a fat freak and walked away. No one helped.

When we had a unit test in English I got a 95 (A+) and she got a 96 (a+) she called me a stupid weirdo. No one helped.

And it kept continuing. She started calling me worse names, each one breaking down my walls until I was the least confident girl in the class. I used to be the loudest, most bubbly girl there.

But it kept on going. Soon the girl from French class joined in. Whether or not it was laughing with my bully or simply not talking to me then talking behind my back about me being mean to her. I couldn't escape.

Finally when I started to get back into a routine with my old friends and felt more safe, she joined our table. Soon she was bullying the others.

The others responded back snarkily and I felt worse. What kind of friends did I have?! Soon it was an all out war. Gossiping behind each other's backs, fights in class, fights over texts and calls. And I was right in the middle.

I was at my lunch table when she made the final move. She was talking to one of my good friends who just so happened to be Korean. They were chatting when suddenly she said "are all Asians horrible and eat dogs? Or is that just you." Everyone lost it. Then my bully started crying saying I had bullied her and ganged up on others. I had been reading a book!

Soon she had a whole group herself. And guess who had classes with all of them in 7th year?

Soon it was a daily basis they were bullying me. But as soon as a teacher suspected anything they ran away blaming me for harassing them. I soon became terrified of what they could say next. I lived in constant fear of them. I started to have "hysteria attacks." Them sitting next to me could send me into a spiral of fear and hysteria. I started having daily meeting with the guidance counselor but she never fixed anything.

Soon I had a group of 7 girls all against me and some even against each other.

To this day I am scared of those girls. I have become a quiet and kind of sad person. I became an introverted girl with a lot of trust issues. I haven't been able to make a new friend since.

And one of the worst parts? The most of the girls know what happens when I say these things. They see how hysterical I become. And some of them don't even realize what they have really done to the once always happy


And most of my friends don't even see how hard it is for me to keep it together on a day to day basis. I'm not even sure which of those girls are my friends.

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