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I have experienced bullying for about 5 years now. I know it's not a lot compared to others, but everyone has their own breaking point.

"You're ugly!"

"You're stupid!"

"Who can ever love a girl like you?!"

"You're mental!"



Tose are just a few things said to me everyday. And on top of that I'm depressed. It runs in the family and I am finally (note sarcasm) getting signs!

•grades drop, slowly getting lower✔

•Think about suicide all the time or just once in awhile✔

•Feeling sad all the time✔

•Self harm🚫

Those ar a few effects of depression. I don't self harm myself like people in my family have done before. I am sad and I think everything is my fault. I have to sisyers who ignore me. But I don't want pity.

I want everyone to hear my story and to tell you to stay strong! I know sometimes it feels like there is no need to exist but just know someone is out there to help.

Instead of hating yourself tell your story to others. I never knew how much I needed my friends until one of them came up to me and said she no longer wanted to live on Earth.

I was petrified. I didn't know what to do next. And everyday I wake up in fear of never seeing her again. Have you ever felt so helpless to your friends. That you could do nothing to help them. I knew I had to help her or she wouldn't make it through the next day.

In a way I'm telling both of our stories, but I'm still not done.

People get judged on what the wear, what they look like, how much they weigh, the music they listen to, and even the people they hang out with.

Thats society for ya! The world has changed. Life is to short to live in defeat! Life is to short to hate yourself. Life is to short to not live it to the fullest.

If you are taking my advice, thank you. I hope it helps you. And if you aren't that is all fine and well, I do not blame you.

Stay Strong and Be Happy!


I have been bullied for 5 years as I said above. I was 7 when it started (2nd grade). It was cyberbullying when I got older, but name calling and teasing, and also exclusion. A few of you may not know what the word exclusion means. It means to be left out and ignored.

It was around 10 boys who started it and a few girls who criticized me. It was taunting me, eating me from within, and I was only 7.

For the longest time I wss afraid to look in mirrors, afraid to see myself. My family always said I was beautiful, an I only started to see it myself this year.

Shoulder length brown hair, eyes that are rimmed with dark blue, have a grewn interior, and brown surrounding the pupil. Freckles under my eyes and long eylashes. Rosy red lips. I think most girls don't see how beautiful they really are. (Giving you a better visual of what I look like)

I did become depressed and i still am. I told my friends and my cousin what is going on, not many know though.

I told somebody because I felt i would explode if I had to handle this any linger. I felt that if I kept it to myself there would be no point in living anymore. I felt that if held it in I would die of guilt that had no reason of being there. When I told them I found out a few of them had experienced the same thing as me. And I realized I was not alone in this world of loneliness.

I have teied to kill myself before, and I regret it. I put kead in my drink. I was done with lif, I came to a breaking point.

Everyone has one.

QUESTION: I think I could ise some advice, not for myself but for my friend. I have no idea on how to help her, on how to consult her. I can't imagine a world with out her. She is an incredible person.

And Please everyone, stay strong, be happy, and live life!

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