Story 148

903 29 3

It all started when I had to change schools (I live in Germany and you have to change schools from the 4th to 5th grade) it started pretty well. The kids seemed nice, and only a few knew eachother from the school before. I became friends with a girl and We became really good friends. But then she started to bully me, I still don't know Why.

I use to have a weird style and hate to clean myself, so people avoided me, which I understood, I am an intervert.

But the called me names because I was a round kid. I only had about 3 friends, and all except one (who I an still good friends with) joined the bullying. I was a sensitive kid, couldn't even speak the language correctly (from one day to another I had to stay in Germany as I was visiting my father, who I hate, my mom came 3 years later) . Most of my bullies failed the 6th and 7th grade and our classes got split in the 8th. The bullying stopped around 7th grade, I became friends with more people.

But in 8th grade there was this guy, who made fun of my weight, eventhough I lost a lot since 5th. I got depression, which I still have today, and thought about suicide, and I am still thinking about suicide.

My mom works till the evening, abdominal I don't see my sister a lot. I have to get good gradesand go to the uni (iI love chemistry and would love to study it, but I would rather study art iron photo design)

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