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3,200,000 students are bullied in a year. And I'm just one.

My story is not as nearly painful, terrible and challenging as previous ones on this book, but it is still my story, and I need to share it. It all starts with that very special boy I met in 3rd grade, Bully.

First I will tell you about me at that time. I am a boy. I was tall for my age. I had green eyes and brown hair. For my age, I was obese. I was, in my few friends opinion, the nicest person they had ever known. I had trouble fitting in with the male gender, so I turned to the easier and nicer female. That caused me to talk like a girl and like girly stuff. Not barbies or anything but romance books and movies. I was also the most naive person in the world. (Still am.)

Anyway, all the guys hated me. If they didn't hate me I hadn't talked to them yet. But the one person that truly hated me was Bully.

Bully was popular out of fear, a common bully phenomenon. He had a whole group of guys he would torture people with. And me, being such an oddball, was the perfect target.

It started with the same old same old I would get. "Your so fat," "You're an idiot," "Why were you even born?" I was used to it. It was just words, I would tell myself. But it got worse. Bully and his followers would attack my friends, and they weren't strong enough to stay by my side. I wasn't smart enough nor mean enough to fight back. So they left, leaving me with at the most two friends.

But he took it too far. In the hallway during bathroom break (we had those), he started bending my arm behind my back in a painful way. At the same time he was punching me in the back. I started screaming (like a girl) and he started laughing. The teacher took us to the principal's office.

While waiting in the waiting room, I was bawling. I had only been in the principal's office two other times (because of Bully) and it made me cry every time. Bully was just glaring at me. After a while the guidance counselor called us back, asked us what happened, I told her and she believed me. Alas, both of our parents were called to pick us up. Now THAT had never happened before.

My parents were furious with me. I got grounded for a week because they wouldn't listen to me and just thought it was my fault. Of course my mom wouldn't look at my bruised back.

The next day at school, Bully bullied me harder than ever. Except this time, he brought up my mom. My mother is the most beautiful person in the world but was pregnant with my smallest sister, Sister5. He called her fat and that was when I snapped.

(KEEP IN MIND I am ashamed of the events that follow through 3rd-5th grade.)

I had noticed that his mother was in jail and his father never paid attention to him. Bully was a bad kid and I was not his only victim. He got called home for physically hurting other kids, and his father hated it. Bully would always cry when being picked up. Right now, in the present, I understood why he bullied and pitied him deeply. At the time, I had turned evil and didn't care.

When he made fun of my mother I quickly turned evil. I became part of the bully cycle; I became a bully. After being bullied you turn into a better (technically meaner or worse) one. I smirked at him.

"Well at least my parents care about me. Your father probably doesn't even want you and your mother is in jail. Maybe she's there to get away from you. My parents love me."

After I said that he started crying and left me alone all day. To this day I hate myself for changing into that.

After that incident I kept fighting back at my bullies harder and worse. Soon, they stopped being mean to me, but I wasn't done. :(.

ANYONE that had bullied me before I tortured by getting information on their life and being awful. This lasted till the end of 5th grade. I was the worst bully ever. Bully and I kept fighting at each other and I would always get him in trouble on purpose. I actually hate seeing people in trouble.

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