Story 55

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What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)?
Name calling, teasing, physical altercations

How old were you when the bullying started?
around 6 or 7

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor, etc.)?
My classmates at school. practically every popular person or wannabe in whatever grade I was in at the time(s). I had no friends because no one wanted to be associated with me at school or they'd be bullied too.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?
Scared at first then I slowly got used to it so I just felt empty. I believed them.

How did you feel after being bullied?
Empty. Sad. Worthless. Despicable. Invisible. Suicidal. (They pushed me off of a high place on the playground equipment in 4th grade and I was happy because I thought I was going to die.)

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? Why/why not?
I didn't at the time but I recently opened up to close friends and my boyfriend because I've started to slowly regain my ability to trust people and open up without feeling like a complete imbecile.

How long were you bullied for?
From age 6-13. I'm 15 now.

Are you still being bullied?
Sort of. My ex best friend is spreading rumors about me but the majority of people that know me don't believe her or they ask me about it. It still makes me cry and feel insecure. Depression never leaves.

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