Story 89

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My dad is and has never been in my life. I only had a mother until I was three. My mom died from drug overdose. From there my whole entire life plummeted. I was placed in foster care. When I was placed there, none of my family wanted to me.

I stayed in foster care for a year. Everything was great at foster care. There weren't any bullies and everyone was so nice. We were all just waiting for someone to pick us.

I was 5 when I got picked. I wasn't adopted yet but just a foster child. I stayed there for 5 months. During those five months I was abused by my foster mother and father. They'd beat me for keeping toys in the floor.

I had black eyes, welps on my skin, and bruises all over my skin. It was one of the worst times of my life. Eventually, my kindergarten teacher recognized and told the school and the school board called the police.

I was tooken out of the home and put back into foster care. My foster parents went to jail and were sentenced with 16 years. I was born in 2000 so they still have questions more year. I no longer am in contact with them anymore. The reason no one has heard about it is because the agency asked the court to keep it from the public.

Fast foward to 9 years


That's when I'm 14. I have already been adopted by a mother and father who have three other children besides me. They are all boys and are their biological children.

At home when my mom and dad are away, the boys tease me and call me the invisible boy. They are right too. I always feel like I'm not part of their family. I always left out of things, my brothers never like to play outside with me and they spread rumors around school about me.

They started spreading rumors when I was ten. I was adopted when I was 9 and I had transfered to their school. The school was ok with me, no one really paid any attention to me. That was until one of my brothers lied to everyone and said that I killed my parents.

After that everyone would stare me down and whisper about me when I walked in the room. People would push me or knock the books out my hands or off my desk.

I didn't do anything because I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I had no friends and when I was getting bullied, it was everyone. No one tried to show me sympathy or stop people from talking about me or pushing me, they all just joined in.

A years ago. It got intensified. Two of my brothers told the popular people that I had tried to rape the youngest one who is only 10. After that, people stopped pushing me. Instead, they began punching me.

One day I had came to school and my locker had been destroyed. Someone had found out my combination and had spray painted and putted urine all over my things. I did have one of my favorite comic books in their and it was ruined.

When I saw it. I just shattered. I ran at the school bully who was standing at my locker laughing and punched him in the face. I threw the bully on the ground and I kept punching the bully but then the next thing I knew I was on the ground and I was getting punched and kicked everywhere on my body.

Finally a teacher had intervened. I almost got sent to juvenile but I only got probation. Two of the people got sent to juvenile for breaking two bones in my ankle and the other three had probation too.

I had to have surgery. My mom was so disappointed in me. So was my dad. I tried telling them that their own sons started it but they would listen to me.

This was only three months ago. People started screaming when I came around them. Screaming that I was hitting them or sexually harassing them. I was sent to the office ten times in a week for it.

I tried telling him the principal that they were lying but I guess all the principal could believe were the lies my brother said about me being a killer and raper.

I was expelled. Right now I'm being home schooled. I am being bullied over social media, so I just deleted everything I had. Then my mom told me about the app wattpad.

I joined sometime ago and I love it. No one judges me and some people believe in me. Wattpad made my life better. But it just keeps getting worse. My brothers come home everyday saying that the kids at school are gonna kill me if I see them In public.

I haven't been out the house in a month. I'm so terrified that it's actually gonna happen. I'm scared to sleep because I dream about me being abused and the day I got beat up so bad that they broke my ankle.

No body knew my story, but now you do. It's been so hard. Trying to know if my brothers are really telling the truth or lying. My dad and mom barely look at me and show me love.

I'm thinking of ending my life so if it stays like this. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried so hard to get people to believe me but no one wants to.

I guess this life story of mine isn't about over coming bullying. I guess it's about bullying over coming me. I just don't know what to do. Do I run away, Do I tell the police and risk getting put in juvenile or do I continue to suffer this pain and depression.

I don't know. I was wondering what you guys think. By next month. I'm gonna make a choice and I want you guys to help me decide my vote.

Do I kill myself. Or do I run away or stay where I am.

I don't feel loved anymore. I don't feel like a person anymore. I just feel like I'm someone's play toy that when they are done they can throw them in the trash with all the rest of the junk.

I just don't know how to live a happy life anymore. I am @Superman_vers_Batman and I guess this is my suicide note.

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