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I'm not really sure if this is classified as bullying but maybe it's somewhere between the middle.

it all started when I moved from a different state and had to go to a high school where I knew no one. I was really nervous but at the same time, I was excited! I settled in well and things were going great! Despite the problems I had going on at home.

One day, I met this girl and became really close friends with her. She was the only one I actually trusted and told her about how I would constantly get verbally abused by my step mother. My dad wasn't around very often because of work and would always believe her side of the story, even though it was all just lies. Anyway, my friend helped me and gave me advice but then one day, she just snapped. She told me that there is other people out there who have it harder than I do (which is very true) and that I was being stupid. I took her words to heart because I never thought she'd say something like that. The next day she sent me a whole text about how I am "inconsiderate" and "wtf is wrong with you" "the world doesn't revolve around you, you self centred bitch." "You don't even know what pain is" and a whole lot of other stuff. I was shocked and ended up in tears. The thing is that she never understood how I felt because she was a typical rich girl who had everything she wanted. Her family was perfect and she never had any issues. When I got back to school she told me she was sorry and I did the silly mistake of forgiving her. Again and again, she would say insults and point out things like "you're sensitive" "you're so overdramatic" "you rant on about everything" "you talk too much" and blah blah blah. She would continuously point things out and it hurt a lot. And things at home were just falling apart as well. My step mother would constantly comment on how jeans and tops wouldn't fit me right and that I was fat. I did the stupid thing of believing her and ended up getting an eating disorder. Luckily it didn't go too far and I was back to eating as normal in a few months. But during that time I was quite depressed and cut a lot. I didn't gat any support from my "friend" and fair enough, I mean, it's not her problem right? And I stopped telling her this stuff because she would always say "does it look like I care?" but just as I thought things were beginning to patch up, my "friend" started to date my crush which she clearly knew that I liked him. It tore my heart seeing them together and she would always rub it in my face. Slowly I began to move on from him, but even so, she kept knocking the blocks down beneath my feet. She would ALWAYS humiliate me in front other people and make me seem like a total joke. She made me feel worthless and unexcepted. Then one night we had this massive fight, and in the end, I told her that I was done. I told her that I was sick of her treating me like some pet and that I was sick of her bitchy behaviour. And when I stuck up for myself like that, it felt good! I realised that she really was pushing me around and that I had to stop it. I told her that I was done with her and that she could go and find another person to play with! Because I was done with being her toy! And after that I immediately stopped hanging out with that bitch. Because all she ever did was drag me down! But when I decided to not put up with her anymore, I felt as if though I was free! Like a bird that had been trapped but was set free! I made new friends who are much more supportive and help guide me through every choice I make! I eventually forgot about her and began to live my life! And I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, you need to let go! You need to let go of what makes you upset and find the thing that makes you feel happy or over the moon. Because one day, you're worries and nightmares will simply just fly away! You just need to have courage and you need to believe in yourself! Good luck to all you people suffering with bullying! You'll make it through!! Just hang in there! And stand your ground! You need to show them who's boss! :D

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