Story 170

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So I guess now that I think about it, I've been bullied all my life. It all started when I was in the 2nd grade in the Philippines. There were always these guys who called me named and I always ended up running to my mums office. Sure, my mum talked to the boys but she couldn't really do much as I was only around 6 at the time and she couldn't shout at them either because she was kind hearted. It's just the way she is. She doesn't get angry and when she does, she doesn't shout but rather talks things out. It has its perks when I get in trouble. Anyway, back on track, the teachers knew about the bullying and they helped out when they could but the group of guys only bullied me during lunch or recess when teachers were out of sight. Being young at the time, of course I cried. Every time I wasn't in class after recess or lunch, the teachers would always know I was at my mums office due to the bullying. Now, the educational system works differently; we started school at I think 7, had recess at 10-ish, then from 12-1 we would go home for lunch. Not really sure, I was young at the time. The bullying carried on until one day, one of the "tough guys" who everyone was scared of but were friends with started to hang out with me. It scared the bullies off so I guess it stopped. I always walked home after school so I walked home with him sometimes, he showed me his pet snake. Yeah, pet snake.

In the 3rd grade, I moved to Australia. I went to a private school and the kids were friendly. I liked the school, I made friends, and I actually enjoyed school once again.

4th grade I had to move schools because we moved houses and it was closer to home. It wasn't as good as my previous school but I managed. I made some friends because I was great at sports.

5th grade was basically the same, however, I moved schools again because we moved to a better house. The bullying started once more. I never stood up for myself which made it worse. I was seen as the easy target with a big 'X' on my back. Everyone enjoyed calling me names and putting me down.

6th grade I moved back to my old school. The private school. At this point you must be very confused with keeping tabs on the different schools I went to. The bullying once again stopped.

7th grade was high school. I was back to being the easy prey everyone loved bullying. My parents were going through a divorce at this time and I hated my dad for what she did to my mother. On top of that, I was being bullied at school but my grades were always above average so no one suspected I was being bullied. They called me names but no physical contact until the 8th grade.

By now, I was in 8th grade with not many friends by my side, in fact, barely, I guess 1 or 2. I was that nerdy kid who no one knew yet everyone loved to bully. Just minus the thick glasses. The bullying became worse and I became suicidal. I just wanted everything to stop. I started to play blood violin (cutting) and my grades went down. I was very depressed, and had anxiety. I decided I've had enough and secretly started fighting back. We were playing hockey during P.E one day when I "accidentally" hit one of the bullies in the back with my hockey stick as hard as I could. He fell to the ground and I couldn't help but feel better. I felt like throwing my fist in the air, jumping up and down for joy and throw a party while I was at it. The group of guys laid off for a while but not for long. We were playing soccer (or football depending from where you live) during PE and one of the bullies kicked the ball straight at me. I broke my right wrist trying to stop it from hitting my face so I had to go to the nurses office who just put an ice pack on it and called it a day. I couldn't blame her, I didn't cry or break down until my mum picked me up. That's when I started balling my eyes out because when I saw my mum, the pain hit me. We went to the hospital where I found out I actually broke it. It was my first ever broken bone so I wasn't sure wether I should be happy or sad since I've always wanted to break a bone just to see what it felt like. It felt like shit, in case you were wondering. I hated school. I wouldn't go when I could but lately I haven't been going whatsoever. My mum noticed this and I was feeling very low on energy too since normally I was the chirpy bubbly kid who would look stupid just to make someone feel better. I told her about the group of guys (around 8, it was one of those stupid friendship groups) so the next day, she went to the school and talked to the principal. She was angry, I've never seen her fuming with rage before. In fact, she encouraged me to hit the bastards when they provoked me. "Just hit them when they do it again. If the teachers get angry, I will go over there and hit them myself. Punch them. I will back you up," were the words coming out from her mouth. At first I questioned wether she was on drugs or if she was really my mother. She's not the type of person who would resort to physical abuse under any circumstances. My sister found out not too long after I told my mum. I never realised how much my family truly cared about me until those moments. My mum left the country for 3 months shortly because my uncle (her brother) was loosing the battle against cancer. Despite what my family were going through, I decided things were enough with bullying. I started fighting back, physically and verbally. I learnt many things through my years of being a victim but in the end, I'm glad it happened. It made me stronger mentally and emotionally.

Two years later, I started taking muay thai and boxing classes with my sisters boyfriend who I call my brother since he doesn't even go home anymore, he basically lives with us. In 2 months I'm going to England as an academic exchange student for 6 months. I've turned into one of those people who want to "find themselves." I am now stronger physically, mentally, emotionally and all of the above than I ever was. Not to mention more confident.

Note of advice to those being bullied: Don't let it go on. Hit that mother fucker right up the custard launcher if he's a guy. If not, yank the bitches weave off and break her nose. The only time it stops is when you decide you want it to stop. From my observation throughout the years, they pick on people who can't defend themselves for the sole purpose of not having to deal with those who fight back. Once you start standing up for yourself, they back away. It does't matter if they punch you, just punch them back. They don't want the fuss of having to fight someone off. They're just in it for the "fun" of making you feel like nothing.

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