Submission 711

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Please put my user name Mack2362 on this, I want it to be known. Thank you.

I was always the girl who was known. My sisters (I have 3 of them) went to the same middle school I used to go to. People used my name as a weapon. It started when I was in 4th grade. I was having the time of my life with my friend. Then she had to move away. It all went down hill from there.

I found new "friends" soon later, but they weren't as good as her. I found myself at a big tree with a bench around it. It was a hot day so I figured it was a good place to rest. The two bullies/friends came up and they both had a water bottle. One of them pushed me down and said,"you look hot. Here have something to cool off with!" Bully1/2 dumped their whole water bottles on me.

I had told my teacher, and while I was in line to go into the classroom, bully1 said," why did you have to tell on us we did nothing to you. You did everything. Why did you poor the water on us! LIAR!" Now, I'm not crazy. My shirt was soaking wet. Why she would say that is beyond me. I never figured out why she did it to me in the first place. I was glad she left the next school year.

5th grade was quite. I was never bullied. But 6th grade was horrible. No one would talk to me. I was just the "fat bitch" that sat alone. I'm not fat, but I'm not anorexic. My friend that told me a secret hated me. Because I leaked the secret. All my teachers would think I was stupid. I'm blonde, but they're not stereotyping. They just thought I was flat out dumb. "Miss Pulsifer, what's the problem to 36/9?" "Four." I mean come on. I had 1 B! People would push me around during passing period. Grunt at me, call me names. But then I saw a guy that was stunning. We became friends and soon we were dating.

By seventh grade he broke my heart. He made up a roomer that we hooked up. But we never even hung out. The only times we saw each other! He started all this stuff about me cheating. Now the whole school was calling me a slut. I hid in the shadows.

8th grade was worse. "Faggot, bitch, whore, slut, ugly, dumb blonde, goodie goodie." One day in choir, we read the book Bystander, but we got off track and started talking about bullying stories. I shared all of my experiences. Everyone came up and hugged me. My choir teacher after school found me and told me that if there was anything that was bugging me that he would do anything in his power to stop it. We hugged.

The next day everyone was looking at me funny. Avoiding me. No one said a word. Literally. I asked on of the girls that went to my church, what happened. She said that me and our choir teacher kissed the day before. I tried to ignore that stairs but I couldn't. I hid in the bathroom. Then a popular girl came in and said," I hope you die. I would love to see that happen." Later on at lunch, the same girl came up and said, "I have a present for you, slut." She pushed me against the wall and started the to choke me. People started to record and cheer for her. Not one living soul helped me.

I could feel the life being sucked out of me. I passed out. They rushed me to the hospital and when I woke up, the police was in the room. They asked me what happened and the girl got sent to jail for attempted murder. I had bruising on my neck, but still had to go to school the next day. Nobody looks at my the same was anymore. But I still have hope.

Sorry if this is way to long, but for anyone who is being bullied, stay strong. The world has changed. No one cares for anyone's feelings. Don't wait for it to get worse like I did. Tell someone. Don't give up. I still have hope. Your a wonderful person. This shouldn't happen to you. No one deserves this.

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