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    When i was in elementary school, i have experienced bullying. It was 3th grade and then 5th to 6th grade and there were few bullies that decided to choose me as their target. I'm going to use pronouns they/them/their instead of him or her.

First one of them "only" called me few different names and multiple times i asked them to stop, because it just wasn't funny. Of course they wouldn't stop it and those names really hurt me, though it wasn't something like "ugly" or "loser" etc. One time during math lesson they not only called me names, but told me that i was the worst at math, they could do this so much better and they didn't know why i keep trying. (i wasn't bad) I started crying, shouting at them to stop because it hurt me, but they just kept laughing, so i run out of class and cried in hallway. My friends helped me though, told them to stop and they did, but i think it was mainly because of my breakdown.

Second one i think just had some anger issues. One day our class decided to prank teacher, that needed everyone to be silent at first. I was too excited to keep silent, so i said "Good morning!". All my class death stared at me, but the first one and second one started shouting at me and calling me "stupid". Before they could do something, teacher told them to stop, so they did. After class fourth seemed to be calm, but second was still angry at me, so he shouted at me again, pushed me to the wall and wanted to punch me, but teacher saw it and it saved me. They bullied a bunch of other students too and it stopped in middle school, because we went to different ones.

Third and fourth were my friends since 2th grade, and this is the only one that started in 3th grade. We were on this camp that is in every 3th grade around May in my country. I was in room with both of them and only with them. At some point they got bored with what was happening on camp (hiking, ping-pong, volleyball etc.) so they decided to create a role-play game. We were just in 3th grade, so there wasn't dragons, elves or queens, they just wanted to "play family". I wasn't given a choice of family member, so they told me that i am mother and they are mine children, though i was basically their slave. They would tell me to go to get food from hotel kitchen, they would make me go to my hands and knees so they could sit on my back and ride me, and told me that if i didn't do it, they would throw me out of room. So i did what i was told, but at some point, when they told me to go and get food i run to teacher and told everything. Teacher called their parents etc. After this, we came back to friendship, but i noticed that they would talk some bad thing about me behind my back, when they thought i didn't hear. It stopped in 5th grade and i'm in same class as they now (9th grade), though we're not close friends as we used to be.

    Fifth one was my friend since 2th grade too and was friends with first and second ones since kindergarten, but were in different hotel room than me at 3th grade camp. This is my worst bully i think, but i still referred to them as friend. They used to push me in bushes, trees or walls "as a joke", but when i asked them to stop they would just push me again. Once i even fell to floor and destroyed my jacket, and my elbow was bleeding badly. They called me names too and again i told them to stop, but they didn't. They would turn my friends against me, say bad things about me when they thought i didn't hear and also be really pushy about hooking up. They called me, asked me to hook up, i would almost always say no, then they asked why i couldn't multiple times, untill i gave them "legit reason". I almost always ended up being dragged out of my house, especially when my parents were out. In this case no one seemed to notice that something is wrong or do anything about it, even when i told about it my parents (my mom said that she couldn't do anything to help me). I cut any contact with fifth, i went to other middle school than they and after finishing elementary school i never talked to them. I saw them few times, every one she acted like she was the victim here. I think they just didn't know they were bullying me...

ADVICE: I would like to say that even if you don't think your words (or actions) could affect others, they can so please be careful with this. And if you'll ever see someone that's getting bullied, even if you're to scared to confront the bully, at least tell someone!

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