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I experienced physical altercations.

A classmate.

I was eleven.

The bullies, bully actually. Said degrading words calling me a "Skinny looking stick." Basically along the lines of me being ridiculously thin.

I felt somewhat determined to prove more so to myself that I was amazing; that nothing anyone could ever say or do could determine what I- as a person- am.

After being bullied I felt relived. It was only one phyical altercation but it was alright. I mean, I learned to stand up for myself, I learned that no one should be able to push me down. No one whatsoever. I learned that life has more to it than wallowing over my seemingly imprefect day at school. Life has more to it than wondering why they picked on me. Life was and is meant to be lived, cherished and complete. Your supposed to live knowing no one put you down.

I never even thought about suicide. Because I thought about it like this; somewhere out there, someone's life is worse than yours. They could be fighting for their lives with cancer, sickle cell and many of the other supposedly incurable diseases.

I did tell someone.Yes, because I figured that it was the right thing to do.

I was only bullied for a few months.

I'm no longer bullied. You can do the same thing too. Your beautiful, your amazing. Someone out there is dying of hunger, of cancer, they can't even get help if they wanted. So you have to make the choice; "are you going to be your own prince charming and save yourself? Or are you going to wait for the wicked witch to capture you and destroy you?"

It's your choice, that's what I believe. Make it.

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