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Ok so the bullying really started in year 7, my friend used to get bullied told a teacher and nothing happened. So she moved and my life felt like it just got turned upside down.

They left me alone for the rest of year 6. Then year 7 came and I had a so called best friend. in the middle of the year 7 she suddenly stopped talking to me because of this rumour that was spread around that everybody believed, she starting messaging me saying that she didn't care about me and I'm no longer her bff and I was never etc. the worst messages had swear words in saying go and **** this boy and saying swear words if I spoke in a chat she was in.

I still had a friend luckily who would sit next to me in lessons then 1 day I got the news she was moving schools. So after she left I was all alone, bullies would come up to me and tease me about this rumour but I ignored it and didn't tell.

Then year 8 came along, I had a new teacher who understood my feelings. Bullying stopped for a while luckily but one day people started bullying me about my best friend from year 6. And I ended up losing my confidence. I told my teacher I missed my friend that people were teasing me about and she was super supportive.

Then 1 lunch a group of boys started throwing stuff at me as I made friends with a group of year 10s which people teased me about of course. Then they spoke to me and said my face was the ugliest thing ever and my glasses looked stupid on me ect. That made me have low self esteem and I feel like I'm worthless and ugly. Then 2 friends which were in different classes saw me cry and came with me to tell my teacher. That brings me up to current time. I now go to support groups and about to have private sessions to get my confidence back up. The boys tease me a bit which does make me sad but I don't listen.

QUESTION: How do I get my confidence back? and how to stop this new rumour that's started?

ADVICE: Tell a adult you trust, or your friends. Don't feel the need to cut or commit suicide. The bullies will stop one day

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