Story 136

841 26 2

It all started when I was in year 3 and it just started off with some simple rumours and hurtful words such as ugly and I kindve brushed it off I mean I was only 8 but that isn't really the point. Soon it got worse and this group of girls would force me to tell everyone they were my new best friends and I believed that, even though they would kick me and force leafs down my throat, and the reason whenever someone says "jinx" to this day makes me as quiet as a mouse even though I'm naturally quite a loud person is because if I did talk they would kick me for each word I said and if it was a short word the amount of letters. No one believed me though, especially not my parents whenever I told my dad he said "man up" as I would come home crying with bruises covering my legs and my mum would say it would just "go away". I was forced to tell my best friend I hated her, this was all from the ages 8-9 as I left in year 4.At my next school it was very small but in years 5-6 there was a decent amount of people in my year but the years 7-8 was when it started again this time no physical stuff just name calling by this one girl and she would still push me into the walls or steal my sports clothes, but nothing to major. These other girls, lets call them 1 and 2, they started to call me their "best friends" but then I stopped getting invited to their houses and they would bitch about me behind me back and they definitely didn't try to hide it. One memory which is still so clear in my mind is when after one day (the last day of term) I found out that all 8 of the girls in my year (their were 9) where going to a sleepover at 1s house and when I called them out on it they pretended as if I couldn't make it not that I wasn't invited telling me that "they would snapchat me" make me "feel like I was there" and I cried but they just walked off. I've now moved schools and I think it's starting to happen again, all the years of physical and mental bullying is catching up to me and I've done some things I can't even type about let alone talk. Thank you for this opetunity to vent. xx

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