Submission 842

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I believe my story starts when I was in 5th grade. I've had both ends of the stick before, but really puberty and just childhood changes really had gotten too me. So here it goes;

In 5th grade, a girl (nice, blonde, and I liked her) She had an allergy to nearly everything processed and had to eat rice cakes everyday. She also had to do a breathing treatment everyday to keep her asthma from getting to her.

One day, she was sharing a fact with the class. She had a webbed toe.

Once I had knew this, I guess I had thought I had something to tease her about, I don't know...

Another day, in Art class, she was sitting with me at the table. We had a normal conversation, until I had asked her if her webbed feet were real or not. She replied yes, and took her sandal off, and showed me.

I was in such disbelief, because I had never seen such a thing.

From then on, I called her "Frog Toes" I thought it was cute and everything synced I had liked her.

Recess had started, and a gang of a bunch of my peers had surrounded me a swing set. They all had told me that they were going to beat me up for calling her "Frog Toes"

I had no idea what they were talking about, nor did I think about it. But this probably what started it all.

On the last day of 5th grade, I had an argument with my best friend. We were both really good drawers (for 5th graders) and that's what pulled us together. Until the last day, that argument between who could draw better, and he had called me stupid, fat, dumb, and then ripped my drawing that was supposed to go into the contest next week.

6th grade, my mom and step-dad were getting divorced, so we had moved in a new house. I had to ride the bus, since my mom worked an hour away. One morning on this bus, and girl who I didn't like very much ( but I was nice to her) called me gay, then stomped my foot and had called me pig. I was soooo mad, I had told her off, calling her every name from the moon and back. (Keep in mind that I'm strictly Christian) The bus driver had heard, and pulled over. He came back near where we were sitting and asked me if that's what I called the girl (the girl was a "brat" in my opinion and told the bus driver that it was all me and she didn't say nothing to me.) but I was honest with him and told him yes, that's what I had called her.

When the bus had started moving, I started bawling, crying, squaling, saying that, "THE DEVIL IS GETTING IN ME!!!" I was so scared that the devil was inside of me I had started hurting myself to get the devil out.

About March of my 6th year, this jock from the football team had math class with me. ( Before I continue, let me say that at lunch, there was a girl table and a boy table, it wasn't a set rule, that's just how they sat. But I always sat at the girl table since my girlfriend was over there) He called me fag, gay, queer, and everything else for sitting at the table. All I wanted was to sit with my girlfriend...

This same jock, decided to spit directly into my eye one day and called me a piece of s***. I had enough, went to the principle, and told EVEYTHING that had happened. The principle couldn't believe that I was telling on the popular kids since they got away with everything.

But, he had gotten 2 days of ISS

Here I am now, a freshman, in Drama club with plenty of friends. I have straight A's and try my best. I have everything great in life right now.

But to this very day, I still weep, and get depressed for being call a peice of s***, dumb, stupid, queer, gay, foggot, and all the hurt that I have been through (that I have not told in this story)

Stay strong, and find the pieces of your broken glass. It may take some glue, and you may not find a piece or two, but you can still put it back together. ;)

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