Story 68

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Hi. I'm one of the many victims that get bullied in my school and on my bus. I was just 9 or 10 years old when it started. I didnt really know what to do, I mean, I always thought if I was nice to someone, they will be nice back, thats how it was growing up. I remember starting my first day of school in 3rd grade. I was nine years old. I was scared, because my mama had gotten custody of me and my brothers again, but they took us away again somwtime during june or july. Me and my brothers went to live with my grandma and my papa back in the town they lived in. My grandma lived in a different school district than the one we used to live in. The school we had went to for second grade didnt have any buses come near our house, so we had to go the primary school down the road. None of my old friends went there, ao I didnt really have any. Well, I started school, and I was really scared because I dressed alot differently than the other kids, and had only one pair of shoes because I left most of my clothes and stuff at my mamas trailor in my hometown two hours away. Everyone there looked at me funny. I felt out of place because I was only one of two white girls in my class. Well, I did make friends, for a little while, but then whwn I got comfortable and acted like my real self, things went south real fast. Kids started cussing around me, and I had been taught that kids cussing is bad and tell an adult. I told my teacher and they told her their story and she didnt believe me because she had been told by my grandma that I liked to make stuff up for attention because I was in denial about my daddy and mama doin drugs. Well, it continued on, and kids started to exclude me from activities at recess, turned their heads away at lunch, and talking about me saying I was crazy and bi-polar because I made the mistake of telling them I was adhd. I had only one friend, and her name was friend 1and we played at recess and pe together. The next year, in fourth grade, me and friend one ended up in the same class, and I was so happy. We met this girl, friend 2, we became friends, qnd later she became bully1. Well, we talked together, and I made the mistake of telling her my life story, and then she turned friend 1 against me. I didnt understand why friend 1 was friends with her, she was evil and conniving. Well, I tried to win back friend 1, and won her back, for a little bit, but then bully 1 took her back. A bit later, before school ended, bully 1 moved, and friend 1 and I became best friends again. We completed 4th grade together, and the next year in fifth grade I didnt see her in school, and later I found out she moved to another town close by. I had her step moms number, because friend 1 qnd me wqnted to get together at her house, but my granny said no., but I still kept it, just incase. Nobody bullied me that year, thank god, and I met two new friends, friend 3 ane friend 4. I loved them to death. Friend 3 moved to alabama, I was sad, I tried contacting her on facebook, but to this day, she still hasnt responded. Friend 4, I am still friends with him, In fact, he took my first kiss. When I got to 6th grade, friend 1 was in my school. I was so excited. Well, she had another friend, who became bully 2, and there was this other girl, friend 5, whonbecamw friends with her. I made the mistake of telling friend 5 about my years in foster care, because I thought I could relate to her because she had been through the system too. Bully 2 started to bully me, she tried to take my little plush dig keychain, she said hateful words to me, and friend 1 didnt know. When I told her, she said she wasnt friends with bully 2 anymore, but she still hung out with her. Friend 5 wouldnt listen to me when I tried to tell her what bully 2 was like, and she became bully 3. She said something hateful and mean, but also very triggering becausei had an anxiety attack. Some girls that were in my homeroom heard what she said and came over and comforted me. Friend 1 said she was sonsorry and she hugged me. The girls took me to homeroom and told me to get a pass from my teacher so I could go to the guidance counselor. I went up there and I had to wait for about ten minutes because the counselor wasnt there yet. My hands shook so badly when I saw her and my voicewavered and I started crying and told her everything. I told her the bully 1 and bully 2s names and she also called up friend 1 as a witness.she talked to bully 1 and bully 2 for a bit and told me to go to the nurse while she talked to them. She called me bak in and bully 1 and bully 2 got in trouble and almost got suspended because of it. I went back to class feeling like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I just want yall to know, if your bullied, tell someone, and if they dont believe you, find someone that will!stand up to them, dont just stand there like I did until someone makes you go for help. Id you are bullied, ignore, them, and if it continues, get help. Thats the best way. And if you are a christian, and nothing is helping, pray for them. It really does help.

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