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Hi guys I thought I'd share this story...

This isn't about me, it's actually about my best friend who recently committed suicide due to bullying :(

So it started off in middle school. I had just moved country, so I needed to be sent to a school nearby. The school I was sent to was definatley not the ideal school, but it was the school closest to home, because we couldn't afford a fancier school.

Anyway on my first day I had already met my best friend. It was her first day too. We hung out together everyday and did everything together (as best friends do).

Little did I know that my best friend was getting bullied behind my back. She never looked sad about anything so I just suspected that everything was fine and she was living a good life.

One day she didn't turn up at school. I kept texting her every few minutes but she didn't reply. The next day my mom got a ring from my best friends mom saying my best friend was in hospital.

My mom took me out of school and drove me to the hospital to see her. Her wrists and thighs were bandaged up with thick white plasters. She lay in the bed in a coma. For the next few weeks I went to check in my best friend everyday to make sure she was doing fine. Each day she would seem the slightest bit happier but she still hadn't told me why she had ended up in hospital.

The day she finally got out of hospital She told me the reason she was put in there in the first place. She had attempted suicide and failed because her mom found her on the floor, unconscious.

While my best friend was gone from school, I had ended up getting slightly bullied. It wasn't bad, but I really took in the things they said and it hurt. They told me I was such a loner and i had no friends. That the reason my friend was in hospital was to get away from me. Lucky for me I never ever thought about anything bad like suicide.

When my bestie got out if hospital she spent a few days at home to recover slightly. The day she came back to school, she had massive Pink scars on her wrists. Everyone told her no one was going to love her because they were so ugly. I told her to ignore them but it was no use. That day she went home and attempted suicide again. This time she succeeded.

ADVICE: Just remember that if your thinking of doing anything bad, think of all the people that love and car for you. Even if you think nobody loves you, there is always someone out there. I love you guys and stay safe xx

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