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All my life I was the shy girl who was so sweet or so everyone thought.

In pre school/2nd I was a type of person who always raised her hand. Who had many friends. The teachers pet everyone loved me.

Then I had to transfer to different I thought it would be the same as my old school but it wasn't. I wrose my hand for every question. People started thinking I was weird I only had two friend's.

Somewere around the middle of the beginning of the year someone started calling Nerd, Dork e.t.c.. It cought on.

There were a time in the middle of the year were the classes were getting crowded. So they hired someone to be the fourth third grade teacher. My main bully was one. Also, my best friend... just because the bully left doesn't mean it stopped.

Durring the middle of december, my family took a trip to Mexico. When I came back someone said "ugh why are you back I wish you stayed there" to my face.

I always stayed with my sister in the morning but, she had her friends. Her and her friend said "why wont you go with them" she said pointing to three other people. I stayed silent. Then they asked them if I was my friend two said yes but, one said no and glared at me that was my main bully.

Didn't they get it I hate it here I never fitted in. I was just the outsider my other friend ditched me to be populer. My other friends were in a diffrent. No one knew . No one noticed my moodswings to happiness to saddness to anger.

With family it wasn't any different. Everyone ignored me and me and my cousin fight he says cruel thing like stupid and more wveryonr knew he was jokingbut I had no strength and at first I didnt belive it then I got weaker and weaker and I started to.

They were taking a picture and after minutes of struggling to get in. I sat on the bed but, no one noticed or cared that I was on the verge of tears. When they were gone I slid down on the door and cried silentlt. People would've thought I was making a big deal out of this but it went on my entire life.

Me and my sister started getting into fights. I started getting pissed easily. I started crying. one knew what was going on.

I cried when I got home from school. I softly cred myself to sleep at nigt. Once cried when I got home. They asked whats wrong and I thought so now they cared but I lied and said "I fell".

My sister yelled at me and said"im not going cause all they do is leave me" to a family reunion.

I snapped and yelled "so they left me my entire life" can't she see I was breaking and no one gave a crap.

She yelled "well guess what deal with it cause thats how life is" I started crying and she made fun of me.

I.stayed late at night to save time not to go back to school. When ny parents asked hows school I said good then locked myself in my room and cry.

In fourth grade it toned down a bit but the the family problem didn't. I knew everyone was judging me behind my back. I acted like I didn't know but I knew.

In fifth grade my friend was getting bullied harshly and she thought of suicide I told her abought my story and then she never went through it. I saved her life . Then we got in a hige fight and our friendship was never the same agian she started dating my bully. When I told her she said I was lying and when she asked he said no and we got in anouther fight. She started telling me what to do cheating off me. I started hanging around my other friends. We got in another fight by her saying I ditched her. Her and my new best friend got in a huge fight she told me to stay away from her I said no and she replied then I won't be your friend no more I shrugged. We were still friends but they stiil fought. Her boyfriend started being mean to her. I helped her. Then me and my other friend talked her sister and she said some emmbarsing stuffand that he had anouther girl friend. We told her and she didn't belive us he said no.

My best friend left me for my bully.

Im now in middle school im shy and act a little less smarter. Everything didn't stop. People dispise me a little they talk about me behind my back . Im still getting ignored by my family but some stoped.

I thought of suicide and the people who did it and how could someone ever make someone feel that awful about there self that they would end there life.

I never thought I would ever get bullied but I did.

What people say are the ups of things but the never inform you about the downs of life.

I got bullied but only one two people knew not even my family knew.

QUESTION: People say you should tell your family your getting bullied. But is that always the right thing what if things get worse. What if you dont want to fight fire with fire?

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