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I was bullied throughout elementary school. There were 2 main girls let's call them BULLY1 and BULLY2. Well you see BULLY1 was actually my friend but had now turned on me and had her new friend BULLY2 help. BULLY1 told me that if I didn't let her kick me in the shins over and over again that she would start bullying my little sister as well. Mr being completelyrics naive at the time let them. BULLY2 held my hands behind my back while BULLY1 kicked me in the shins as hard as she could with her cowboy boots over and over and over again. I started to cry and lost feeling in my shins. BULLY1 just kept saying things like "you're so stupid" "You're so ugly" while she continued to kick me and BULLY2 laughed hysterically in my ear. Finally they stopped and I sat in the ground cradling myself and crying so many people walked by me without a second glance. Another time I was jump roping with My only friend well she had to go to the bathroom and left me by myself. BULLY1 and BULLY2 got at least 20 kids from the playground to gang up on me. They got the jump rope and wrapped it around my frail body. I struggled to get free with no success. 10 kids on each side began to pull their hardest. I looked down and my skin was turning purple. I cried and screamed and begged for them to stop but they had no remorse and continued to pull. I was losing so much air That I could hardly breather but they continued to pull. I got the air knocked out of me and started feeling very dizzy and faint yet they continued to pull tighter. My panick was growing because I literally could not breathe. Finally after what seemed like an eternity a teacher screamed at them. They all immediately scrammed. Leaving me on the cold pavement sobbing uncontrollably trying to catch my breathe a part of me thought they were going to kill me. After that the violence mellowed out but the insults we're getting out of hand. Saying things like no one likes you why can't you be dead and etc. Until one day that I vividly remember like it was yesterday because of the amount of trauma it left me with. It was valentine's day I made my mom a card and they ripped it up then they stole all my markers and pencils and jumped on top of me. BULLY2 held my hands down while BULLY1 drew all over me,stabbed me with pencils, injected me with lead from the pencils. I was boiling mad I dug my long nails in her skin and made her bleed. They told the teacher on me and I got in trouble. I went to recess and everyone stopped playing and started staring,pointing and laughing at me I hid in the playground and cried all recess long. The rest of my elementary school I spent a lot of days hiding in the bathroom eating alone and being really deppressed. I started to hate school and lost all motivation. I almost had to take summer school because of my lack of effort. I went to a new school got new friends and pulled myself put of it. This is the first time talking about it in a long time and it is still very emotional for me

Now I stand up for myself and am willing to punch anyone who tries to timekeeping advantage of me. Although it was a horrible experience it shaped me into the person I am today.

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