Story 70

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Ever since second grade, I've been made of for how I look and who I am. I'm deathly pale, its apart of my Irish and Scottish genes. Lots of boys in my class made fun of me for it, and continue to make fun of me for how I look today.

I'm very insecure about my weight and my looks; to some, that might seem shallow and inconsiderate. But when you look at yourself in the mirror every morning and see an awful human being, its hard to be able to go on with your life.

Flash forward eight years; I'm now in ninth grade. It's gotten worse. In November of 2014, I was asked out by one of my classmates as a joke. It was done supposedly by his twin sister, but I'm really not sure if I believe him. Needless to say, I cried quite a bit afterwards.

I discovered Wattpad two months ago. I was so excited: it was a way to spread my creativity and express what I couldn't in school. I received so much backlash from when friends found my stories; they told me to go to hell and other rude, mean stuff that I shouldn't type. I took down whatever stories I had written and decided not to write at all anymore.

Now, I have an eating disorder and I've tried to hide it from the few people that I hang out with. This is the first time I've actually wrote it or said it. I am depressed and I really don't want to be here.

This story hasn't quite found its "happily ever after" yet. I hope it does. Let this be a lesson though; think before you type. Think before you speak. Just think.

Because cyberbullying? Verbal harassment? It's never the answer. Don't be a coward behind the keyboard.

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