Story 448

254 9 3


*What Type Of Bullying Did You Experience?*

I didn't really experience bullying persay, it was more like social neglect. I wasn't actually teased or punched or anything.... It was more like they thought they were better then me & just ignored me. Though I could practically feel them call me weird from behind my back.

At the time I actually thought I was weird because of them, I did randomly spout out crazy ideas that didn't work and my head stayed up in fairytale land most of my classes & yet I aced all of them.

*How Old Were You When The Bullying Started?*

I noticed it when I started the 6th grade, so I really can't say when it started...... Unless of course it was in 6th grade.

*Who Bullied You?*

My classmates bullied me..... But in 7th grade I got friends that had the exact same interest..... I even had one to share my passion of writing & drawing. Though after a couple of days she started to critic my ideas as if I was a child & she were an adult just laughing as she patted my head & sent me off to bed....

She didn't seem to get that I drew cartoons and not reality like her. She also didn't seem to get that I write about fantasy (vampires / werewolves / witches / fae / elves / goblins) & not realistic fiction like her. So we grew apart & here came the comments.

"Are you really that stupid enough to come up with that?"


"I don't even know why I'm your friend?"


"God, you're so freaking slow?"

I didn't make a witty comeback or a funny quip, I just grinned and acted as if I shrugged them off, but I really took them to heart.

*How Did You Feel When You Being Bullied?*

Alone. Like I was deserted in the middle of a desert sandstorm and I could only breath in tiny shards of sand. It felt as if I was drowning in my own head as I was even started to bully myself.

*Have You Ever Told Anyone You Know That You Were Bullied?*

No. Though I almost had an emotional breakdown when one of my best friends talked about suicide over a girl during texting me..... He um didn't commit suicide though....

*Why/Why Not?*

I just feel like I can handle this on my own, but I know that I can't....

*How Long Were You Bullied For?*

I'm now in 8th grade and it's still going on.....

*Are You Still Being Bullied?*

Yes..... More social neglect.....

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