Submission 582

439 18 11

So I used to hang out with these girls a lot at like church and school and stuff like that. I could always count on them. Then I started to get messages from one that was saying stuff like: you're so needy and annoying, you're such a lesbian, you should just go away cause no wants you here. I was hurt in so many ways. They began spreading rumors about me throughout the school. I began self harm. I almost committed suicide one time and would have if I hadn't found color guard. Some of my team mates helped me through it all. I'm still made fun of and called names like: ugly, slut, bitch, fat, who're. I still sit alone at lunch and I don't have many friends at school. But the second I'm with my team life is good. I still cry at night (not as often anymore) and it still hurts what the bullies did to me but I've like 1/3 of the way moved on.

QUESTION: So the bullies from my story have started to be nice to me. After about half a year is not even talking they are suddenly being nice. I don't know what to do because last time they were this nice I fell into the trap and was bullied. I WILL NOT fall in again I just wish I understood what they were planning.

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