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So I've been bullied for such a long time. Ever since u was in 3rd grade. It's never stopped. So it started with this boy who wished me to die and called me evil, we used to be good friends until the that happened. Though none of his words hurt me. But they did in fact convince my other really good friend to become a bully, and guess who she bullied, me.

She started to call me mean names and say I was a liar and untrustworthy. No one stuck up for me and she did it when no teachers were around. Every time I told her to stop she told the teacher I was a bully to her. She fake cried and I got into trouble. It made me sad because I felt evil. But then again that was 3rd grade and that's when I still had my best friend.

Now let's move onto the next year. So my best friend, yeah well she started to forget about me and leave me out on every single hangouts she ever had. She even unfriend me in a couple of games. I did nothing to deserve it. And yes that's not bullying. But once I got older it became bullying. But thankfully I didn't have the other girl bully in any of my classes, that would be a disaster.

Another year passes, this is when it actually starts. So the first girl bully is in my classes, all of them. She says mean things but I still try to see the good in her. "Your such an idiot. Omg stop lying!"

I still tried to see good in her. But that failed. Then my friend finds out what she is doing to me, she does nothing. It's kind of sad if you think about my friend, a bystander. But she might have been scared to stand up to her. Anyways moving on...Later that year, on the last day of school I chat with one of my good friends. Apparently he finds out and I don't even know how. She stands up for me leaving me alone at the table. When he comes back to me I notice i was wrong. Here's exactly what he said. "I think you're the bully. It's not her. Look it how you made her cry, I can't believe you."

It made me cry. No one saw except my other friend siting near me. He asks me if I'm okay and I say no. At least he slightly cared and asked if I was okay. But that was the last I heard of him since he was in none of my classes the following year.

Fast forward another year. So the best friend is still no longer my friend. She has all my friends help her with things at lunch leaving me alone at lunch with my sketchbook. And during drama at the four mini plays she calls my play horrible. But how could she say that when other plays can't see the other mini plays till the performance? Anyways moving on.

And the girl who's the first girl to ever bully me, well she still teases me and calls me names but not as much. Fast forward to last month of school, she calls me untrustworthy and a liar and mean. My good friend sits next to her at that moment. Tears roll down my eyes and she sits there and stares. She doesn't stick up for me. I didn't think I mattered in the world after so many years of this crap. I wanted to move so badly but my parents said not yet.

And my other good friend also made fun of how I'm so "skinny" even though I can pick her up and through her. Yep she asked me to do that to her. She even said I would die first in a death match against the whole school. Sad, right? And to be honest I didn't mention all of it since I didn't want to say them.

The next year is kind of better though. This guy says he likes me, though none of our friendship changed after that. Anyways the best friend who became a bully still ignored me. And the other girl bully doesn't even see me anymore so I'm Safe from her. But it's still annoying how everyone thinks I'm okay when I'm not.

But i still get bullied now but it's less of a problem now. It gets a bit better over lots of time. Maybe you'll find the bully could be your next friend. Or maybe not. However it goes I wish you good luck. Sometimes it's best to handle it yourself. And sometimes not. Bye guys! Good luck!

I was bullied a lot and when I told teachers the never believed me. Then finally 4 years later they believed me and I got my good back. If you're nice then you get good back, even if it takes a while. Just ignore them and maybe soon they will stop. Don't let the bullies bother you.

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