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Hi everyone! I want to share my bullying story with you all and I'm aware there are more severe cases out there, but I just hope my story gives you hope and remind you you aren't alone..

Grade school in general was fine, but sixth grade was the worst. I was excluded from all the activities and group projects and I remember not even trying to find a partner when given the chance to work with someone else. I remember wandering around the playground, alone and hurt, repeating it everyday. Some kids in my grade probably didn't even realize that I was hurting on the inside. I suppose my being a year younger was a factor, though in the years before it hadn't mattered. I suppose my mind decided to block out some memories for me, to make me feel better: I don't remember going home everyday and crying into my pillow and even in the car on the way home as my parents have told me I did. I got a few comments on my bags as well. It's a genetic thing and even though I don't have terrible bags,they are a bit more noticeable. I got told I looked 'old' and 'always tired' as if I wasn't aware of my facial traits. Because of these comments, I drove myself and my mom nuts for years trying to find a way to hide that part of me with either makeup or supposed tricks on the internet.

When I was 11, I moved to my mother's home country. My dad is from North America and my mom from South America. I was excited because we would finally get to be with part of our family. The first year was like a honeymoon phase and everyone was curious to get to know me. The second year, a boy, let's call him bully1, stared randomly insulting me and would say things like 'you aren't as smart and cool as you think' or 'you think you're so much better than all of us, but you suck'. I was angered by his rants, mainly because he knew virtually nothing about me and was lying through his teeth. I didn't remember ever having said anything rude or hurtful t him from the few times we spoke. I got into an argument with him and he stopped after that.

Year 3, enter bully2. I had been having a hard time feeling welcome and accepted since I knew many kids were still wary of me and weren't thrilled with the fact that I was from another country, spoke English better than them, etc. Then, bully2 decided it would be entertaining to torment me and call me 'Canadian sh*t' and 'retarded' when I would say something he was surprised by. I was told to 'go back to where I came from' and this last comment was like a punch to the gut. He got me where it hurt and it made me start crying in class. Oh, and bully1 decided to come back and start saying the same things as before, annoying me to no end. Many other kids also found it funny to gang up on me and tell me I didn't belong there, that I wasn't a true citizen of the country like them when really I was. I finally had enough and turned to my parents and talked to the school counsellor, telling her of everything that had hurt me. She spoke to bully1 and bully2 separately, threatening to get the principal involved. They stopped, but bully2 never did respect me much.

I just wanted to share my experiences with you all and hopefully this is proof that adults can help and even though maybe I was just lucky that the people in this situation lent a helping hand, don't be afraid to share how you feel.

If you need any help whatsoever with bullying or even moving (because I kno better than anyone that very few people understand what it's like) feel free to message me - my wattpad username is maple1306 :)

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