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I started to get bullied when I was in grade 4 but a week after she had moved away so I was ok for that year and I made a lot of new friends. Then a new girl came in grade 5 and that is when it started to hurt. This girl would complement something of mine and then turn around and laugh. For example, one day I was with my friend talking and the new girl came up to me and said "OMG I love your shirt!" And I said thank you, but then she grabbed the sleeve of the shirt and flick it up and laugh and walk away with her friends.

In grade 6 she moved away and then came the another new girl. She was nice for the first couple weeks until she had met everyone in my grade. She started to pick on people and then me, but I did not know until my best friend told me that she was making fun of me because I am a different size than everyone in the grade. Then as the years why by stuff got worse, in grade 7( last year) I started to self-harm. If you don't now what that means , it means last year I started to cut myself. Until one day my parents found out and they started to cry. When you see your parents cry it kills you inside and you just have to tell them everything.

I have stop cutting but the bullying has not stopped but I hope it does this year.

Thank you for reading about my story.

P. S never hurt yourself because you will regret it for the rest of you life.

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