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From year 4 when the bullying started I was fade to feel worthless and unwanted. I didn't have many friends back then and so I was made to suffer in silence due to having no one to go to. My mother was/is a single mum and so I had no fatherly figure to give me hope and strength, all I had was my mum and so I felt isolated and alone for 5+ years of my childhood. All through Primary I was called names like Spastic, retard and the most disgusting names possible. I was picked on and singled out because I was slightly different to others.

I was born 3 months early and from day 1 I fought for life. My mother and father was told I had little chance of living due to problems from early birth but I was a fighter and I survived. I was born with brain damage and very bad eye sight and a lot of other problems and so the first couple of years growing up were extremely hard, but I fought through it.

And so when the bullying started it really got to me badly. I listened to what the bully said and did the worst thing possible... I believed him. I wasn't allowed to do anything I liked because of the bully...I wasn't allowed to join in with the football or any popular games or activities because when I built up the bravery to try and join in i was beaten up and assaulted. Each and every day of school I dreaded. My attendance and grades fell and I hit rock bottom.

I then finally built up the courage to tell my mother. She contacted the school and told them about everything but the school told her

that it wasn't bullying and that it was all just fun and Mother fought for them to listen and by the time they finally did it was time to leave for secondary school. And so nothing was ever properly done to help me or to attempt to confront the bullying which lead to it carrying on to Secondary school.

The main bullying carried on to the end of year 8 when the bully was finally excluded for his actions and behaviour. But it has never really stopped, everyone at school always has a negative attitude towards me because, just like I did, they believed the bully. Since then I have always been the kid no one wants to sit next to in class or in the canteen. I'm the kid that causes everyone to sigh when I'm put in their group for PE and so life has never been easy. I've never had a boyfriend or a lot of friends because of this...I've only ever had one good friend who has stuck by me thought all of it and so nothing is/was ever easy or normal.

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