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So I was moving to a different city , and a Whole new school , I was starting Grade 2 so I was quite young , anyway when I got to my new school class had already started and it was gym when I got to the gym there was avuncular of kids playing and I was standing at the door and nobody seemed to notice but there was this one girl lets Call her friend 1 and she asked to be my friend and of course I said yes , but she kept on missing school days and I don't know why so that caused me to try and make NEW friends . I saw a bunch of boys so I went and said if I can play with them and they said yes , so then the other girls saw this and they kept on calling me names like "Tomboy , you should of just been born a boy" and stuff like that but I ignored it and the. Year 3 was present and I was feeling like I needed to change because the girls weren't accepting me to I wore more "Girl Aproprite" clothes and they became friends with me and hen it was year 4 I was now a "friend of there's" and I told them all of my secrets and they TOLD them! I went up to her and said "why did you tell my secrets?!" And I think that girl was bipolar or something cause she had this evil grin on her face and she said "I dunno?" And my reaction was " e.o " but then I had no other friends so I forgave her but that was my bad year I ran away from school because I couldn't take it no more (and BTW that was a lot to take on for a 9 year old girl) so I was feeling like I wasn't good enough I was depressed but I didn't know it , so it was year 5 where that same girl "bully/fake friend" blamed me for every thing she did and I got in trouble for it and then came year 6 (current year I'm in now) and I wa sin a new school and there was this boy there he just didn't like me , I don't know what I did to him that made him dislike me so much but we became friends(but he was faking it so he could tell my secrets) I told him the boy I liked and all of that and every gathered around and he was telling EVERY secret of mine and that boy was there and he said "ew get away from me you freak" and those words broke me. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall and cried my heart out and only 2 of my friends came and helped me and the boy only got a two day suspension and oh did I mention he kicked me ? Yeah and now it's break and I'm afraid to go back and my mom mostly drinks every weekend and she doesn't even listen to me when I tell her and earlier in grade 3 and 4 my brother always hit me idk why but he just hated me he said things like kill yourself, and , go back where you came from " and I started cutting but I am cut free for 3 weeks and the only thing that makes me happy is music 

ADVICE: find something that will take your mind off of all of the stress example : Music , Dance , singing , Drawing etc. Mostly anything that you love and stay strong

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