Submission 652

493 15 3

Hello there.

Well, this all started in 3rd grade. I was just a little girl playing four square at every recess. I was friends with everyone and loved it.

Then this girl moved to our school. She didn't like the fact that I was friends with everyone. She told everyone I was gross. Everyone believed her and I didnt have any friends after that.

I became the little girl who sat the closest to the fence on the edge of the field to stay as far away from everyone as possible. That's how the whole year went.

4th grade was the year I though everything was better. I was excited. I couldn't wait to start. I immediately thought that I would get some friends. Nope. None. 4th grade was a repeat of 3rd. All alone in the field.

Basically all of elementary school was like that so lets skip to 6th grade. (sixth grade is middle school here)

I was so happy to move schools and get away from that girl. That didn't happen either. She moved to the same school as me. 6th grade was the worst. She spread a rumor about me that I had already lost my virginity. I defiantly didn't. Everyone would glare at me or shoot me a disgusted look and I didnt know why. I was clueless at first until my only friend told me what she told everyone. I was horrified. So horrified that I had to move schools again.

This year I am in 7th grade and feeling better than I ever have. My new school is great and I have a lot of friends.

Thanks for listening. ❤

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