Story 229

473 14 4

I first started getting bullied when I was 8. Other kids would push me down outside at recess. Or they would be laughing and joking about me knowing I could hear them. As I got older, the bullying only got worse. in 6th grade, it got terrible. People would call me worthless, stupid, ugly, unwanted, useless, fucked up, skank, tramp, whore, slut, white trash, etc. It eventually got so bad, I started self

harming. I would stay in my room all the time. At night I would cut myself. And nobodye ever knew about it. Until 7th grade. My parents found out and I was sent to a mental hospital for a while. It was awful there. After I got out and went back to school, the bullying continued. It was worse than ever. People would push me into lockers, knock all my stuff down, trip me, etc. Random classmates would message me on Facebook or DM me on Instagram and tell me "you're worthless, nobody needs you here. do us all a favor and go kill yourself." , "drink bleach, hang yourself, slit your wrists, jump off a tall building, something, just end it!!". So, I started cutting even more, and deeper. I decided one day maybe they were right. So I overdosed on pills. I almost died. I was in the hospital for a while again. That was my 3rd attempt ever of suicide. "Why does everyone hate me so much? What's so wrong with me?" Thats what I would ask myself everyday. I just didn't get it. I've stopped cutting, and as of right now I'm about 2 1/2 months clean. I'm 15 now. And to this day, I still get bullied. But I have one bestfriend, who helps me through everything. She's been bullied a lot, too, so she understands. I also have an amazing boyfriend who supports me. I try not to let the bullies get to me. It doesn't always work. Depression and anxiety issues are extremely hard to deal with. But I try. Its not easy though. I just wanna let everyone know, that if you're going through a hard time, don't give up. It does get better. It might take time, but it will get better. It'll all be okay in the end, & if its not okay, it's not the end.♥

What type of bullying did you experience?

Cyber bullying, name calling, teasing, physical, & verbal.

How old were you when the bullying started?

About 8.

Who bullied you?

Old friends, classmates.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

Worthless. Ugly. Unwanted. Useless. Hated.

How did you feel after being bullied?

Worthless. Ugly. Unwanted. Useless. Hated.

Have you told anyone that you were bullied?

Yeah, but there wasn't much they could do about it, they had no power.

How long were you bullied for?

I'm still being bullied...

Are you still being bullied?

Yeah but it's whatever...I'm used to it..

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