Story 373

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This is going to be a short lived story, as all I really want to say is how terrible I felt. The first day I was bullied, I just brushed it off my shoulder. But then it happened again. And again. And again. Day after day, I was targeted. Eventually the whole grade turned against me. Being the only African American student in my entire school, it was hard for them to call me out. I felt lost. Everyday I came into this school, determined to learn. And everyday I left the school, the only thing I learned was how these people thought about me. They thought I was an awful awful person. They discriminated against me because I wasn't just like them. I couldn't come to a sensus wit why they had to make me feel so low. I wanted to be okay and I wanted to be happy, but because my skin was a different color than theirs, they didn't let me have my own happiness.

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