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My story begins in June of eighth grade, in French class. I was generally disliked by most of the class, and I disliked them, as they were very shallow people. I've always been an odd duck, as I'm rather intelligent (without trying to sound vain), and have what I call an "emotional disconnect". To quickly explain, I don't pick up on social cues very well, which can lead me to be unintentionally bossy. Or, what I consider to be trying to help people out of trouble.

Fortunately, my two best friends, whom I shall refer to as FriendA, a girl, and FriendB, a boy, were also in this French class, so it wasn't all that horrible.

I was part of two different friend groups, an all girl one, and an all boy one (except for me, I was the only girl). To be fair, I would alternate between their two tables during lunch, with FriendB, who was also part of both.

This particular lunch period, I was sitting at the boy table. We were allowed to use our phones during lunch, so I was blissfully unaware of three of the Bullies from French class doing something on theirs that was in relation to me. So the day went on as normal, besides the fact that my guidance counselor repremanding some other boys that had been verbally harassing me the past couple of months. But that wasn't really a big deal, so I don't need to dive into that.

That evening, I think it was between eight and nine at night, I was texting on a group chat with my boy friend group, when FriendB posted a YouTube link, saying that I was urgent that we watch it.

I clicked the link, probably thinking it was some weird meme, and once I saw the title, I knew something was up.

(The video has since been removed, so you won't be able to find it, so I'll write the actual title): It was called, "The Bitch of the School and Her Nerdy Friends Being Retards During Lunch". The video was about 10 minutes long, and nothing really happened besides my friends and I talking during lunch, but I then heard a voice that seemed to come from whoever was filming it:

"Hmm, you can't really see her acting like a bitch here." A bit of laughter from two other people.

I was absolutely terrified. It was one of the Bullies from French class. Not only were they targeting my friends, but they were mainly targeting me. I have been bullied ever since I started kindergarten, but I had never seen anything like this. I looked at the view count. Around 50 views, and 15 likes. I will never forget that.

I quickly showed this to my parents, who were in the next room. They seemed just as surprised. My Father looked like he wanted to punch someone. My mother wrote an email to the guidance counselor, and I enquired on the group chat the Bullies full names. FriendB fortunately knew them. The worst was that this was a Friday night, so we would have to wait until Monday for a response. That was one of the most agonizing weekends of my life.

Eventually, on Tuesday afternoon, we found out the verdict. The three boys were banned from eating lunch in the cafeteria for the rest of the year, and from using their phones, anywhere.

I have plenty of other stories that have happened throughout the years, but this seemed to be the one that would come out best in writing. Thank you for reading!

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