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It started in 7th grade I still don't know why but it doesn't matter why. I had come from a small primary school only 7 students in my year and the two I where friends with went to the public high school while I went to the catholic one.

So I had no friends I sat with two of the girls from primary school though we weren't friends so I buried myself in books to escape reality that's when the teasing started the usual name calling nerd, bookworm that kind of thing.

It wasn't till third term that I made friends though one of them I wouldn't call my friend she was always pointing out how much skinnier she was than me. After a year of friendship this pushed me into becoming anorexic and when I finally confided in her about my eating disorder she looked me up and down and said that I was not skinny enough to be anorexic.

By this time I had started year 9 and was in a new class. Then things got worse a boy in my class thought it would be funny to ask me out as a joke almost everyday then the other boys started doing it until half the guys in my year where doing it this made feel so worthless like someone liking me was so unlikely it was funny.

By the end of year 9 I decided I didn't want to be friends with that girl any more and the boys where getting sick of there game, things were looking up. But what goes up must come down when I started year 10 and got a new class a couple of the boys decided bulling me was the best thing they could do with there time.

They started throwing things at me in class, like paper and broken pencils, they even thought hitting me with spitballs was funny (something that before this I only thought happened in movies) and this is where I'm currently at in year 10 and still being bullied

I told my year coordinator and she didn't do much just told me to tell the teacher, so I did, but he is one of those teachers that can't get anyone in trouble and just said that he was sorry it was happening to me. This is me currently.

If you are in need of someone to talk to pm me my account is little_anorexic_girl thanks for taking the time to read my story and know bullying can effect people more than you know.

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