Story 78

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Hi there ^.^ this is my story on how I got bullied.

It all started in Prep at my old school.

Here in my country, where I live, most people would expect you to speak the same language as them but not me.

Since birth, I was taught to speak English, each and everyday by my parents, which made me realized that I cannot speak our local language.

Weird right?

And that's how I'm the odd one out, while all the other kids would walk out hand in hand to the canteen (or cafeteria) and play in the swings. I'll be just there in our classroom all alone eating probably a sandwich or a banana.

You see where I live, we don't get to transfer classrooms, teachers were the ones who changes and transfers for each subject.

Frequently, I never get to communicate with other kids, but when I do, I spoke in English never the less receiving the title "English Girl" or "Foreigner Girl" and not in a good way believe me, so I would always come home crying my eyes out.

I had my fare share of friends but there weren't really true as I thought it would be in those movies.

Fast forward to 1st grade, where my bullying got more intense, I'm in my new Catholic private school, yes but things weren't going too good as I thought it would. First day at school and still speaking, so there's this one guy (yep the mean bully) who was terrorizing this kid, so as for me, I taught that I can stand up to others, that I can be the hero too!

But was I wrong,

With that I received a red bite mark from the guy and I was like (Is he a dog or something?!!)

He was sent to the principal's office that day.

But then Mr. DogButt (the bully) found his new chew toy, a.k.a me, and each day everyday he'd finds ways to make me cry like kick my bag, pull my hair and even pour pencil shavings on top of my head.

And from that day on no one defended me, no one comforted me...

I was on my own.

A year later, 2nd grade, I started to get a hang of speaking our local language (still a little rusty tho) and Mr. DogButt has been banished (lol) from my school after being found out that I was been bullied again. Though I may be struggling in a lot of subjects the only one I excelled in was... English.

So life has been pretty good but it didn't just stop yet.

3rd Grade came and before I knew it, it was my first communion, not surprising though, because I was chosen to be the communicator who says things like "You may all take your seats" or "Please welcome Father.."

So one day we've all gone to practice our first communion in the school's chapel, I don't know what I've did to make that person so angry but someone pointed out something carved on these long wooden benches which was...

"[My name] is a snob" <~ in our language tho

I may have a English accent but that doesn't mean I'm immediately a snob! :(

And it was written inside a holy place too! Everyone denied that they were the ones who wrote it so up to this day, the person who carved it there was still a mystery.

Many years later, I was already in 7th grade at the same school, can fully speak our local language and now has a few friends of her own.

Many girls would go to the mall to shop or watch movies and hang out, but not me and my friends, we'd probably just watch some anime and disney movies doing all those childish stuff. But hey! We we're not in a hurry to grow up!

My friends are so awesome who are always there to always understand and comfort me through my ups and downs.

Especially when your just an only child with separated parents.

But sadly I was still bullied verbally, specifically of my chubby state, not that I'm actually very fat that I can't fit through doors. But the kind that you can't even fit into small waistlines of shorts and your 4th grade t shirt can fit on a college student which you handed down to.

But I wasn't as weak as before, I stood up for myself and eventually earned some respect, so if anyone messes with me and my friends.

Watch out.

Today it's summer here in my country and pretty excited to face the new school year with my head held high. I write and read a lot in wattpad (yes I have an account) to past time. But then again if there will be bullies, there will be me, who's there to defend the victim :)

So if you've ever been bullied just think of this phrase...

"Have courage and be kind, for where there is kindness there's goodness, for where there is goodness there is magic"

I hope you too can believe in the magic of kindness and goodness like I did!

Hang in there everyone~

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