Story 467

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When I was in elementary school I had alot of trouble. Mentally at least. I couldn't really help it though. I went through alot of confusing things abd I didn't really know how to be normal.

I did, however, make 'may-weather-friends' who I always thought I could trust. I made few, honest friends.

When I was in 5th grade I ran for student council president. It was close but I won the election, of course all the younger kids voted for me and no one in my own grade. I was left with nasty rumors that would make me throw tantrums and cry at home.

I didn't realize I was even getting bullied until 6th grade. By then I could do nothing. I never gave any children illegal substances or of the sort. I remember one day this boy who claimed his father a millionaire threw my comfort toy near some melted cheese. I still today am supprised at how patient I was, all I did was pour my kool-aid on his "one hundred thousand dollar hat". No one helped me though.

On my birthday I gave everyone in my class chocolate chip cookies home made from scratch. People started teasing me and saying things along the lines of "are these the ones with the drugs in them?" "Shouldn't you be giving these to the younger kids? You did promise." Before I realized it I began to have a breakdown in class and everyone called me overdramatic. It sucked because that was what I ended up being labeled as "Miss. Overdramatic cheater."

The bullying stopped for a year.

Then in 7th grade I got signed into math class and I sat in the back and ended up talking to this guy. Towards the end of the month he had already called me lots of offensive/sexist/homophobic/rastist names. He called me those through out the year. I wasn't the only one. Oh but of course no body told on him because he was mr.popular kid and being called a snitch is the worst in my opinion.

I mean, not like I tried to defend myself esteem with inappropriate language as well. But he was the worst and always started it.

I'm the daughter of an artist and draw often, so as likely as not you will see me with a artbook in hand.

He crossed the line one time, crossed the line for everyone. He had been harassing me using my own sketch pad. Writing inappropriate things if I left it alone and such. But that day he was threatening to pour water on me for no reason. So I naturally kicked the water bottle way. Not my fault it hit his nards. But then he tried to steal my shoe asking me why a canadian would resort to violence. I ended up keeping my shoe at the expense of him pushing me off the sloop I was sitting on, at first I went down rolling, then my face skidded on the concrete and my arm got burn marks on them. I wasn't going to tell because I was afraid of it might happen again and so when people figured out why I refused to tell this boy began a system. He used his homework sheet for everyone to write on the back and then the teacher attempted to read it aloud with out the swear words. She ended up saying "Canadian. Black. Party sized mexican. Illegal immigrant. Farm girl. Ect.." We all then looked at the boy who looked really surprised and then started laughing. He had the guts to say. "We all were playing around. It was funny! Come on. (My name) weren't we just playing?" To this I went back to my old habits of outburst and said clamly "Yes because causeing a hideous cut on my face is 'joking around'" i gave him a hard glare and then looked away. Only talking to him when I needed him to pass me my pencil. I still tried to be nice but whenever he tried to start a conversation I would dismiss him. This made him all red in the face until he said "words can't even describe this dumb b**ch" and stomped away like a five year old.

Never had I been happier to be called a female dog before

I also forgot to add don't worry if I can get through bullying you can too! don't feel afraid to stand up to bullies they are your obstructions your lesson you just have to figure the moral of the story correctly... I totally understand majority of your experiences and I am so so sooooooooooo sorry you guys had to experience such tramatic matters! 

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