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my story isn't much but I would love to share it so bare with me. my first bullying expiribce was in 2nd grade it was hardly bullying at all. I had just moved to a new school and already had a best friend. she would sometimes call me names like fat and ugly but I never listened until one day when she started choking me after that I told the counselor. the following year (3rd grade) I moved to yet another school. this year was pretty rough I couldn't manage to make any friends and in all my past schools I was the "popular pretty one" and now I was the nerd who didn't have any friends. some people would call me names but nothin to major. in 4th grade I started getting frimeds and becoming friends with one of the "populars" but after a few sleepovers and hangouts she threw me to the side and I went back to my lame group of friends. in 5th grade one of my best friends started calling me names and making fun of the church I went to me having enough of people making fun of my church balled the rest of the day. that year wasn't bad Beside that one inncedent. then middle school cam around... at first I was loving thinking what's so bad about this and then I realized hey um this is hell. at the beginning of the year my bestest friends since 3rd grade decided I wasn't cool enough and totally shut me out. they would make all these inside jokes and slam them into my fave they then left me for the popular group and I had no one. after taking the m.s.p the sxhool realized I was extraordinarily smart and moved me to high cap classes and that's when I became who I am. I met a new friend and instantly we were inseparable. she was semi popular. but that's not why I liked her she was a really good christian and we had deep conversations and went on cool trips together and we're basically the it best friends. well that soon came to a stop as do most people she threw me to the side but she threw me the right direction. I started becoming friends with the "populars" and life was looking great and till my ex bestfriend through one of my other friends to the side. I soon realized her game. she liked throwing people to the side. as rude as she was to me I still kept her as my best friend. which was probably the biggest mistake of all time because she would call me fat and say no one likes you or you should really leave and other rude things. I began to feel worthless. I started skipping meals. in 7th grade I switched school again. this was going to be my freah start. but when I got there it was almost worse. I had the type of anxiety where you can't walk into a room full of strangers other wise idk what happens but it's bad... so this was 10488391919838xs worse. whoops I'm crying as I right this. I knew nobody and I struggled hard. I started starving myself again and feeling worthless and depressed and my ex best friend is still rude. this is where I am right now with my life. so I can't tell you the rest because I don't know the rest either. I know I probably have the dream life compared to other people but this was a big deal for me.

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