Story 475

587 23 4

Dear Bully

You left me there in the ally like an unwanted orphan, you left me there to die.

Have you no heart, No soul?

Life was great until you came along and destroyed it.

I never did anything to you to make you do it to me, I guess I was just another victim of your abuse and hostility.

Ever since that day my life has been different.

Let me refresh your memory of that afternoon, just in case you have forgotten.

I was walking home the same way I always have, through the ally.

I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, as if I was being followed so I picked up my pace. I looked behind me and there you were, so much rage in your stare. I had no idea what to do. I was lost, my mind said run! But my feet disagreed, they were stuck, frozen to the ground.

You got closer and closer, your eyes not leaving mine, then you charged at me. My feet finally moved but it was too late. You knocked me to the cold hard ground within seconds. You repeatedly kicked me in the side of my head, I had never felt so much pain, such fear. I gaze at you, tears springing from my eyes.

Then you froze. The abhorrent look on your face, your eyes so lost, you realised what damage you have caused, how everlasting it is. It was as if you didn't know what you had done, as if you were brainwashed. Suddenly you turn and run, gone within seconds, you left me there, my head bleeding rapidly, my arm sore and bruised.

Were you abused? Did your parents mistreat you? Did you lose someone you loved dearly? Were you jealous? What was it that caused you to do such damage?

I don't even remember what happened after that, I remember waking up in the emergency room with nurses and doctors around my bed looking at me.

My head required surgery. They put me in the intensive care unit after surgery. I was there for a long month then I was moved to a different ward, staying a further two months.

I was finally released to go home. I had to wait to go back to school.

I don't know if they ever found out you did it. I never told them it was you because you could've had a good reason, no reason is good enough to do that but maybe just maybe you had a reason that could have influenced you even a little. I can't believe you did it. You seemed so innocent, so shut away yet sweet, but I guess I was wrong.

I looked for you, at school, around the streets but you were nowhere to be found. I wrote this letter, it's the only way to get the answers I need. I need you to respond, I need the answers to understand. Please respond as soon as you can, I need the answers to get past this.

Sincerely your victim

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