Submission 776

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Hi my nicknames Mj , and this is my story about he bullies that made my life hell throughout year 7 and year 8 (right now) anyway I'll start from the beginning and the questions at the end and it 100% true -

So in my primary school I has freinds I'll call them freind B and T , they made fun of my weight because yeah I'm not a model that's stick thin anyway Freind B was only pretending to be my freind in case any of her freinds didn't come to school or something but freind T was over protective of B and always left me out , until she started to messege mean things on Facebook saying things like die , so my mum took me out of school and I was homeschooled until high school age (11) so when I went into year 7 the lowest age group for high school I had old freinds from primary this was other than friends t&b there were twin 1 and twin 2 mainly , they were known in my village for they're parents smoking drugs and being an overall rough family but I didn't care because I finally had friends ,I was so happy , then I found out later in the year that my father abused my little sister that was 2-3 at the time and it was bad , there is a massive court case and I told the twins and they tried to cheer me up but didn't put much effort in and even madd fun of it at one point , over the weeks twin 1 states to hate me finding anyway to single me out and another random girl that we were friends with used to make little cuts in her wrists reasons like her boyfriend broke up with her (at 11) but they didn't like each other anyway I said that I couldn't under stand how someone could think that way , te they turned on me , saying that I always compare my situations and started sating horrible things and said if I told anyone that they'd make MY neck bleed I ran and had an anxiety or panic attack in the girls toilets and told my head of year straight away I was crying and crying and I ended going home , the billing continued being shoved it smacked in the hall ways or being called immature or a fat b!tch (at11) a slut stuff like that even though I've never even had a boyfriend or anything ever and I felt depressed like I wanted to just die , I was on my own , and I was so lonely , then freind B (forgive and forget with her I thought that it would be 'immature' to hold it against her) anyway Frend b invited me to come with her friends at the decking area , basically a wooden seating area out side and I met real freind 1

She was freinds wig the twins but I didn't care I had a freind , she would often ditch me to hang out with them but she didn't know about what they did to me , she hung out with me and they started bulling her too and be became best friends when I moved tutor groups to avoid them all my timetable changed and everything , then it was the summer holiday they'd still come up to me if I went to the shop and they just pretended to be nice in a sarcastic way while making fun of me then I moved into year 8 still nothing sorted out and one day twin 1 sat next to me at the cafetiria and I ran and had an anxiety attack a bad one , I couldn't breathe felt light headed so real freind 1 for the teacher that said this is ridiculous , end of lunch break and I was in the pupil reception in the medical part with a nurse equivalent trying to calm me down and when I did te new head of year for year 8 miss just told me to walk say when I had tried I couldn't move , do u went home that day , quite renctly infact the teacher in me moved me to real freinds pe group because I was made to work with the twins , the following week she sai that I wasn't fire enough to fit in with all the perfect body girls in real friends p,e and I cried my self to sleep and yesterday I wrote what happened for the head of the year to sort it out after my mom texted them ,and we come to present day where it's physical education tomorrow and I'm scared that it's not sorted hat I'll be on my own again but I don't know .


Type of bulling-

Cyber,teasing , name calling ,little physical abuse,

How old was I -

I was 8-9 in primary and in the high school part I'm 11-12 (12 being right now )

Who bullied me-

Twins / old best freinds

What would they say or do -

Explained in the story

How did I feel-

I felt like I wanted to die , cry , panic , and was so lonely

How did I feel after being bullied-

I still am but it's exactly the same just mainly alone

Did anything help me cope -

I would watch anime or YouTube or read my phone in my room at home that's the only thing that really cheered me up

Wanted to self harm /depression-

I wanted to but couldn't bring myself to do it and have felt depressed but nobody can tell because I smile for them

Contemplated self harm-

Yes but I cloundnt bring myself to do to

Have I told anyone-

Yes the teachers and my mum and my real freind knows too

How long have o been bullied -

3 1/4a of a year 7 and present day continuing

Still being bullied -


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