Story 422

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I moved from Mexico to the United states to have a better life, but instead it was hell. In preschool I was pushed around and I thought that was okay. When I finally got to elementary school the bullying started. My classmates hated me for a reason that I still do not know. They became my bullies. They would pull my hair and punch me. Every day they said to me that I am worthless, no one wants me, I'm better off dead, I should go kill myself, my race is stupid, and that I don't belong here. I asked for help, but the teachers didn't believe me. They all got tiered of me and said that they have had enough with me. I asked my parents and they did nothing. I asked the principal and she threatened me. I gave up. I was tired of all of this. As I got home, I went straight to my closet. I grabbed a scarf and a chair. I was going to hang myself. I never thought that I was going to die at the age of 5 or kill myself. 5 years old to young to deal with pain. I failed at ending my life. I fell and pretended I didn't do what I just did. The bullying still continued for years after years. Every day I would go to my closet and cry myself to sleep. It was my only escape from reality. From all the hatred they have thrown at me. Their hurtful words would replay in my head. I was alone and I had lost hope. I was going crazy with every word they said. You know how little kids start to have imaginary friends. I had one. He was my only friend. He kept me alive and said that everything would be okay. 8 years I suffered from them. 3 years I suffered because of my cousins. They said that I should stop eating that I will get fat. Every time I looked in the mirror I would see myself big. I became anorexic.

I had surgery so my system is failing. I threw up in PE and some girls thought it was funny. How I was suffocating and gasping for air. When we had to do that again. They said 'Hopefully she doesn't make a mess again' and then started laughing. I still want to know when it will all end.

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