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So, I live in a comunity bullying is not aloud in our school but yet people still do mostly kids.

I lived in a town before that.

I'm a kid, that doesn't talk, just in the background.

So back to the story.

Kids are not aloud to verbally abuse teachers or bully, but they swear at the teachers don't listen to them and we got about 30 or 15 code reds this year because kids not listening.


When I lived in a small town I only had one friend I didn't talk to the other kids just her. Now I moved to this comunity, I get called little, the friends I have talk behind my back.

The reason I get called little is because I don't swear or take my anger out on the teacher, I AM TAUGHT to be nice not mean, though I did act mean to a girl that talks behind my back, even if people talk behind my back and be mean to me I still am nice to them. I moved in the community, when I went to the school it was old, then later on got torn down, new school built and kids get worst, I hear kids calling my own teacher a bitch, I don't like it. So this story is two point of views.


When she moved here her house had a hole in the roof so kids turned on the hose and put water in there boat, and almost flooded there house!

Next they took a sharp objects likely a knife and wrote fag on the side of there truck real big!

My story

Two years ago, I was going under depression and began to self harm, due to being called freak in school, and when I cutted a kid found out a couple days later and I started to get called 'fag, worthless, ect' I soon began to try to kill myself.

I am still bullied.

But now I don't really care

I still have the scars but now there almost healed up (I didn't do it deep.)

I have other stuff to worry about.

ADVICE: If you are bullied tell someone, if no one listens then stand up for yourself.

If you have friends that talk behind you leave them, there not real friends!

I am 12 years old but yet I know a lot, because I took my problems and learned from them!

And other kids can stand up for themselves!


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