Submission 893

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I was bullied for a long time. It was mostly mentally, but it turned into rape. it started when I was ten and continued until I was about 14. I thought he was my friend. We were so young. He threatened to hurt me if I didn't do what he told me to. He said that I would do what he said or else. he had a room in the basement were he continuously would rape me. it killed me a little inside. it continued for years and I didn't tell anyone. i don't know what I thought. he would say I owed him favors.I refused one time and he pushed me into a pole and held on to my neck like he was going to strangle me. To this day I hate when people touch my neck. When I finally worked up the nerve to tell my parents, they ignored me. they invited him over anyway and pushed me into plans at his house. I lost my respect of my parents that day. they didn't care. So the rape continued and I didn't say anything to anyone else in fear of rejectment. One day I spoke up again and my parents finally listened and we moved. I didn't need to see him anymore. but nightmares haunted me and memories brought me into a depression that I'm still not fully over. I still hate myself and my weakness of not standing up and taking a stand. I never saw him again but I still hate talking about it. This is the most I've shared about my story to anyone.

QUESTION: how can I gain my trust with my parents again?


how do I get over my depression?

ADVICE: don't be afraid to speak up about any sort of bullying.

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