Submission 613

336 9 0

what type of bullying did you experience? 

when i was in high school i experience name calling and physical altercations and cyber bullying

how old were you when the bullying started?

 i was 16 and 25

who bullied you?

 classmates and someone online

what would the bullies say or do to you? 

i was in special ed and got called retard and stupid there was one time i was eating lunch and i went to the restroom and one of the bullies followed me and was waiting for me at the door i tried ignoring him but he was like no one wants your herpes lips here ( i had cold sores at the time) and there was this other time i was in line for lunch and these football players clawed my back for no reason. i also experienced cyber bullying someone made a hate page of me and said the fattest girl alive.

how did you feel while you were being bullied?

 i felt really depressed i got suicidal at times.

how did you feel after being bullied? 

alone and sad

have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied? 

yes several times

have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 


how long were you bullied for? 

until i graduated high school

are you still being bullied? 

no i am not.

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