Story 329

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Hi guys, I'm Alison and I wanted to share my bullying story with everyone. So everything use to be fine, I don't really know when it started. Well after Kinder, I was put into gifted and I was only with a few people. that was in first grade, nothing bad ever happened there. In the second grade, I had the worst teacher I have ever gotten. There was this boy, and I think he bullied me because he liked me, I think that was it. He always said he was smarter than I was and said the most stupidest things and he always called me names and my friends just sat there and let it all happen! I didn't really care about this but it still made me feel bad and some people in my class also called me these names. It hurt because I thought it was true and I felt alone because no one cared, I mean I tell my teacher and she always ignored me. What the hell? Your job is about teaching but also supporting children. HELLO?! I always had one hour of gifted and the rest was with that other teacher. The bullying still continued. I've always been a shy girl but with my friends I was crazy but I think that there is where I became more of an anti-social person and that really hurt me. What did I know, I was just a little immature kid. Then I completely moved to gifted and I never heard of that kid again. Then came the third grade... I couldn't see the board well and I had to get glasses. When I went to school, someone shouted out, " welcome to the nerd world!". Why would you yell that?! I mean the guy had glasses too, what was his problem? I felt bad after that because my "friends" judge people a lot and now I looked completely different, like I can't survive this world without glasses. I've caught many classmates talk behind my back, please I'm not that stupid. I mean they all get into groups, started laughing and smiling while looking at me, and they whisper to each other. They look t me right in the eye, I know it's about me. That really made me feel bad and the worst thing is that my friends were also in that group. There was this girl, I will call her friend1. So she was like.... a gossip queen. Yes, she was nice and all but she never stood up for me and sometimes I caught her talking behind my back as well and I was still friends with her, I just learned to forgive but she was never good to me and I was too stupid at that time to realize it. The end of the year was getting closer and new people got into gifted but most of them decided to go in next year in the fourth grade. So there was these two girls, lets call them friend1 and friend2. So I've heard nasty stuff about friend2 and I didn't wanted to be with a bad influence and so I decided to avoid her and since in gifted, you always stay with the same people, I guess I just wanted to have a good friend and I met friend2. We got separated because of summer but she was with me in the fourth grade, including friend3. So well formed into a group, friend1, friend2, friend3, and me. Friend2 and 3 always fought with each other and since we were friends now I wanted to stop it and then I got involved, turns out I was always involved. Friend2 and 3 were always friends and I "stole" friend2 from friend3. I didn't know this but it wasn't my fault. I was just young back then and I believed what the other people said about friend3. We all got into this huge fight and friend1 was in the middle, not knowing what to do. That time was all about picking sides and I thought that was unfair, we could all just stop fighting, stop being jealous but that's not how it works to them. I was alone at that time, they all called me names and insulted me and teased me and they just didn't realize what they were doing. Friend1 just sat there and let it all happen, without caring. And there's this group of girls known as the popular, they are actually super nice but I NEVER fit in so I avoided them. What was the point if at the end it never lasted and they just walked away, now that wasn't very nice and they also turn against each other when it comes to random stuff like the boys which I hate, they are just bad news... and they got meaner. That's later in the story. So we were friends again, then no, then yes, then no and so on. This type of thing always bothered me and I would always break down. I didn't tell anyone, mainly because when I was getting bullied in the second and third grade, everything my parents said never helped and I just stayed quiet and I felt so stupid, I should have stood up but I didn't. Shame on me. So really now friend1 was bully1, friend2 was bully2, and friend3 was bully three. That was hard for me. A bunch of compliments build me up but it only takes one insult to bring me down.

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