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I guess I'll just start it...

Molested by half-brother ages 3-12. he attempted to rape me a couple times.

Molested by moms boyfriend age 13. molested me so many times.

Attempted rape by half brothers friend, age 13. only once.

cyber bullying: happens all the time. get called names. told to kill myself. "take a knife, put it under your left ear and pull really hard." "youre a waste of good oxygen."

You see, I get called an attention whore a lot, but I don't get it. I hide my cuts, I hide my scars. "ATTENTION WHORE!" "KILL YOURSELF"

my half brother got mad when I started to fight back, I would tell him no, or cuss him out. he would then start to push me around, a lot.

In middle school, this girl heard that I was caught cutting at the school, and she told everyone. She started telling everyone "SHE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL." I mean, she was right, but..I would rather have gone without everyone knowing.

In middle school again, me and my friend had gym together. Some girl sprayed shaving cream on someone's locker. the gym teacher asked if we knew who did it, I didn't say anything but my friend said "I saw Girl in the locker room but I don't know if she did anything." Girl heard my friend say that and she told her friends. During the hockey game we were playing they ran up to us and shoved us into the bleachers. After gym, I sat out on the bleachers waiting for my friend. One of Girl's friend came up to me and started yelling at me and she pushed me and then told me to "stop talking about Girl". Though I never said a word.

theres this teacher at my high school. she is rude to everyone. but one day she decided to mess with me. we were at a pep assembly, and I have anxiety, so I was standing off to the side. "Go sit down" I shook my head no. "Why wont you sit down?" I said "anxiety." she said "I dont care go sit down!" I shook my head no again. I was bouncing a tennis ball(something that helps me with stress and anxiety) and she said "Give me that ball!" And I laughed, because I wasnt going to do what she said, and I shook my head no. She got really close to me, she was leaning against me. She yelled at me. "GO FIND A SEAT" "GO SIT DOWN" repeated that a couple times. I didnt move. "I'll be back and we will stand together all assembly it'll be fun!" she walked away. I sat down and started crying. When she finally came back she looked at me and smiled, like she was satisfied with what she did. She didnt sit by me though, just walked away. Every time I see her, I want to punch her.

ADVICE: Some advice, the bullies are just looking for a reaction. If you don't give them one, or you agree with them, they will most likely stop.

Also, telling a trusted adult does help, you just have to find one that cares about you.

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