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Well here's my bullying story:

It was mostly teasing, I suppose. It started when I had to sit beside my bully in class in seventh grade. Anytime I expressed my liking towards something, he would talk about how horrible it was, then get would get the while class to agree with him. I remember when I got my birthday ring, he got everyone to believe it wasn't actually quartz and that I was a liar. I didn't even want to wear it to school anymore, because I didn't want everyone to be reminded that I was a liar (even though I wasn't). He always made me being him food for snack time, or else he'd find more ways to bother me. When I dyed my hair, he instantly got all his friends (he was in the popular group, he was friends with almost everyone), to make fun of it. Eventually I got tired of it and gave him the middle finger. It felt good, but it didn't do anything. So I just kept quiet and ignored him. When I became vegetarian, it got worse. He got half the school to only refer to me as 'vegetarian', in a mocking sort of way. I remember, once on a field trip type thing, we were in the woods. There was a log tied across two trees, a few feet above the ground. It was a pretty popular attraction, but eventually I was one of the only people left on it. As I was walking across it, struggling to keep my balance, my bully's best friend came running full speed at my and pushed me off. While I was laying on the ground, in a small amount of pain, his friend towered over me and said, "Stay off there, vegetarian." I don't know why, but it was a pretty scary experience. I told my mom exerting that happened, but she never did anything about it. The bullying ended at the end of the year, when we were in different hallways. I've moved now, for a unrelated reason.

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