Statement 6

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For those who are suffering from bullying:

You let the storm rain down on you. You let the lightning strike you. You let the thunder shake up your life and your self confidence. Stand up. Don't sit down and let the storm hurt you. Go inside, breathe, and help yourself. Speak up. Tell someone there's a storm out there and it's hurting you. Tell them you need help. It's okay to not always be able to be strong and save yourself. Sometimes you're falling and you can't get up. The storm pushes you further and further and eventually you just want to give up and lay down, letting the storm hurt you. Get up. Get up because you can. You're strong. You're amazing. You're beautiful. The rain will pour down and it might hurt you, but don't let the pain strike through what an amazing person you are. You've worked towards the person you are now for so long. You are so strong. You can continue. You can do it. Don't let the rain turn into floods. Stop it before it hurts you. Because in this situation, the rain is the bullies. The lightning is their words, that strike through you and hurt you. The thunder is the impact they have on you. The storm represents your pain. Get up in the storm. Find a way out. It can't rain forever, and you can stop it. Strip away the fear, get out of the storm, get to shelter, and speak out. Underneath that shelter with you are people who have been through what your going through and they understand the pain of the storm. They can help you. You can't always do it on your own. You're not alone in this world and there are some people you will come across who will hurt you and treat you wrong but always know there is hope. There will always be people who care. People want to help you. They wouldn't want to watch the rain pour down on your already tear stained face. You are strong. You can stand up. You can fight off the pain. You can help yourself. Don't let the storm break you. Let the storm make you stronger. Let it push you to get to greater places. Eventually you won't be running from the rain, you'll be dancing in the rain. You'll say, "F*ck you thunder!" You'll laugh as the lightning comes down on you. You are not bulletproof, you will be hurt, but you are strong. You can help yourself. The pain is only temporary. Be strong. Stand up. You are you. And you are amazing. Don't take the last step off the building. Don't slip your neck through the loop. Don't pull the trigger. Don't do it. You are strong. Show them how strong you are. You are beautiful. You are amazing. Stay here, stay strong. Don't wait for the storm to pass, stand up, and tell someone. Speak out. You don't deserve the pain you're being put through. You are not worthless. You are not pathetic. Strong. Think strong. Keep fighting. You can do it. If you need anything, I'm here for you. You might not know me. I might not even live in the same country as you, but I care. The world is full of beautiful people and you are one of them. Yes, you. You, reading this. You are amazing and strong. You can always come to me. I am @breakingthename and I am here for you. I care. Stay strong, stay beautiful. Stand up. Get to where you want to be, not where the bullies want to put you.

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