Submission 817

391 14 3

What type of bullying did you experience: I experienced name calling, threats of physical abuse and teasing.

How old where you when the bullying started: 12 years old.

Who bullied you: old friends and classmates

What would the bully's do/say: they would call me ugly, fat and a lier. I told my friends that I was sexually abused as a child but didn't dare go to the police and they all started calling me a lier and a slut saying I asked for it. Saying that is was my fault and saying I enjoyed it. They used to threat to hurt me if I told anyone what they where saying. After a year of bullying I eventually told the teacher and my abuser was jailed for 4 years.

How did you feel during the bullying: I felt low and depressed. I didn't have anybody to talk to or any friends. I started to second guess myself and believe some of the things they would say. I was scared of them.

Did anything help you cope with the feelings: I eventually started seeing a council which eventually I admitted what they had been saying to me and I fought through my problems.

Have you ever self harmed or fallen into depression: yes I was depressed for a long time afterwards. I also used to cut my stomach and thighs because of the comments about my weight and looks. I used to try and scrub away my disgusting ugly skin until I would break the skin and begin to bleed. I also used to cry in the shower ever night because I couldn't let my family see me crying otherwise they would ask questions.

Have you thought of suicide: yes many times I wondered if it would be better to not be around anymore and I even stole a bottle of vodka from my older sister and planned to overdose myself with pills and vodka.

Have you ever told anyone: I told my boyfriend when I was 14 and he helped me build up my self esteem and confidence again.

How long where you bullied for: approximately a year until the court case which proved I wasn't lieing.

Are you still being bullied: I am no longer being bullied and stand up for myself and everyone that I believe needs help.

ADVICE: I advise everyone to speak up, it may seem impossible at first but once you have spoken up and are receiving help life will change and you will notice the difference. Always tell someone you trust and they can help you through it. Seek a council for extra help.

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