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It started when I was in Year 2, my best friend moved to Scotland and then I had no one. I was and still am quite small... I dont know if height has anything to do with it. I had speach therapy for eight years so I guess I don't know how bad my speach was back then.

Bully 1 was an acquaintance, not a proper friend in the first place. One experience was when she forced me to do something that I didn't want to do, she took my friends away and she always made fun of me, saying things that were quite hurtful. Luckily near the end of year three, moving onto year 4, I moved house and schools. I thought, fingers crossed, that the bullying would stop.

It didn't.

Bully 2 - was my best friend at the bigining of the year, but we had an arguement and from then on all she did was make my life miserable. Basically the same, nasty experience as before.

She stopped after a while, thank God. I guess ignoring people really works.

But then Bully 3 came along in Year eight. He was by far the worst. Imagine putting two and two together. Yeah, that's what happened. He made fun of my work, made fun of me, threw stuff at me (pencils, rubbers, pencil cases, school bag-the whole lot) , in the end, in an art lesson I got so annoyed that I just shouted,

"Just shut up!" I remember the looks the whole class gave me when I stood up for myself.

But, thankfully when I moved up to year nine, which meant starting another school, he wasn't in any of my classes and the bullying stopped.

I always thought 'why me?!', but I've learnt that whatever you do, or how hard you try, there will be a few haters, bullies. Don't try and make other people happy by doing what they say. Go with that gut instinct. Always tell someone.

Whatever bullying you're experiencing, it will stop and you will make it through. Just have hope :)

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