Story 202

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I've had social anxiety my entire life; which turned into depression when I was about 9 years old. I've always been quieter than the other kids in my grade and I get bullied for it to this day. They're all really exroverted and I never feel calm at school. I just want to die all the time. In 6th grade, I started scratching my wrist really hard until it bled to take my focus off of the bullies. All I got out of that were scars on my right wrist. But it saved me from crying in public a few times, so in a way, it was almost worth it. I've learned to love my scars and accept myself for who I am. This past year, I found who my real friends are. I have problems like everyone else and I'm still working on trying to be happier and less anxious and sad, but I'm getting there.

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