Submission 777

644 17 5

What type of bullying did you experience? 

Cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, mocking

How old were you when it started? 

I was nine years old.

Who bullied you? 


What would the bullies say or do? 

Cyberbullying- told me I was never nice and ugly. Teasing- took my friends away from me and bragged. Name Calling- Fat, Ugly, Stupid. Mocking- laughed at me for praying.

How did you feel after being bullied? 

I honestly felt how they described me above.

Did anything help you cope that feeling? 


Have you ever self harmed or fell into depression because of bullying? 

Yes. I fell into a depression for a while because of what was happening. It lasted for about three years. I have self harmed but not because of bullying.

Have you ever thought about suicide? 

No. I did think my bully was going to pull a gun on me though.

Have you told anyone you were bullied? 

Yes, multiple times. On several of those occasions, they never did anything.


I told someone because I would come home crying every night and my mom didn't like it. She came to school with me the next day and told my teacher (who didn't notice).

How long were you bullied? 

I was bullied for five years.

Are you still being bullied? 


QUESTION: Why would anybody do this?

Why me specifically?

ADVICEAlways tell someone when you feel uncomfortable with what is going on. I didn't do that until my friend asked me about it.

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