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So it started back in primary school there was this girl, she hated me and I don't even know why, but she did and I was born with a rare disability with my legs, hips and back and since year 4 to year 8 I was called cripple almost every day of my life, it broke me down inside and I felt worthless, I hate my legs and my self. i still do thanks to everyone who still makes the little comment as I walk past them. I turnt to self harm and smoking for I wanted to die, I wanted to get away from everyone. 

1)bullying,cyber bullying,name calling.

2) 6-7 I think


4)they would call me a cripple and kick me in the legs or try to trip me up

5)I felt worthless and stupid

6)I felt like I was finally free

7)My mum and friends

8) I have self harmed about 15-20 times in different places and I have tried to commit suicide in year 7

9)Yes, I have tried twice

10)Yes, my family and teachers

11)because I wanted all the voices to stop and I wanted all the hate to go

12)7 years maybe

13)I do still get bullied but not as bad

QUESTION: How do I try to ignore what people say to me? Because I find it hard not to lose my temper when they call me a cripple  

ADVICE: Always trick the bully by being nice to them and agree with what they say, because they want a reaction out of you and if you just smile and agree with them they will soon get bored and stop being mean also tell someone straight away, never turn your mental pain Into physical pain

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