Submission 602

390 11 6

Hi, I have a very deep voice for a girl and when I moved up to a secondary school Some older pupils (mostly girls but some boys) would come up to me start a conversation and once I said anything at all they would run away laughing and whispering stuff like "OMG! She sounds like a boy " or "Ha ha ha your right her voice is so weird its hilarious" What's irritating is that although at least 1 if not more groups of them do this every day at school it's not the same people so it's hard to tell a person in authority because although it has the same effect as bullying it doesn't meet there the exact meaning for them. The bullying gives me real trust issues and I don't speak to anyone who I don't know from primary school. I don't know If it's going to continue in this new school year as it hasn't started yet please give me some advice on what to do to stop this 

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